Another Martyr of Israel ‘s Inhumane Occupation 2011 | Shaheed Milad Ayyash | 16 years old

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انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون

‘Inna Lillahi wa ‘Inna ‘Ilayhi Raji’un, Allahu Akbar

Silwan youth martyred: dead in hospital from gunshot wound

Saturday, 14 May, 2011 | 09:00 

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC)

This dawn, Silwanic has learnt that Milad Ayyash has died in Al-Maqased Hospital due to the gunshot wound he sustained yeasterday in Silwan. Ayyash, 16 years old, was shot in the stomach with live ammunition yesterday’s afternoon, subsequently suffering a massive loss of blood before he could be trasnferred to hospital.

One doctor stated that Ayyash’s heartbeat was almost undetectable when he arrived at the hospital. He underwent surgery for several hours, a final attempt to save the young man’s life that was, tragically, unsuccessful.

According to martyr friends, the live ammunition came out from settler’s militia.

A state of relatively calmness is dominant in Silwan currently.


Press | For more details Contact:

Assaf Sharon (Sheikh Jarah Solidairty Movement) 054-494-6274
Jonathan Pollak 054-632-7736

iRemember… All Martyrs & Atricties of Israeli Occupation


Photograph by Atta Awisat



Martyred by Israeli’s Inhumane  Occupation 2011  |  Shaheed Milad Ayyash, 16 years old | May 14, 2011

انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون

May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ ala grant the Shaheed Milad Ayyash Jannatul Firdaus, and ease it for his family, loved ones and anyone around him. Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbil Alameen. ‘ Inna Lillahi wa ‘ Inna ‘ Ilayhi Raji’un, Allahu Akbar



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