Islamic Jihad: Fatah practices in W. Bank won’t extinguish the resistance

[ 21/01/2011 – 11:27 AM ]


GAZA, (PIC)– The Islamic Jihad Movement in occupied Palestine has lashed out at the PA security forces and the militia of Fatah in the West Bank, stressing that the practices of those forces against the Palestinian fighters won’t extinguish the torch of resistance.

The remarks of the Movement came after Israeli occupation forces killed an Islamic Jihad fighter, Salem Al-Sammodi, in coordination with the PA security forces near an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

“The practices of the PA security forces against Palestinian freedom fighters in the West Bank are unpatriotic and serves only the interests of the Israeli occupation,” the Islamic Jihad said in a statement it issued in reaction to the assassination of Sammodi.

However, the Movement called on its fighters and supporters not to relax their quest for freedom and independence, urging them to remain steadfast on the national constants of the Palestinian people coupled with vigilance against the PA-Israeli conspiracies.

The Movement also pointed out that the assassination of Sammodi unveils the suspicious role of the PA security forces and the Oslo government in the West Bank in serving the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, underlining that the PA allegations of halting negotiations with the Israelis while preserving security coordination is “meaningless”.

Moreover, the Islamic Jihad warned the PA leadership in the West Bank that continuing its security practices would isolate it further from the Palestinian public, calling on the good people in Fatah faction to bridle such unsolicited behavior.


Islamic Jihad: Fatah practices in W. Bank won’t extinguish the resistance.

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