Tag Archives: Goldstone Report

Revealed: producer of propaganda BBC report on Gaza attack has history of fabrication ~ by @AsaWinstanley

Asa Winstanley | The Electronic Intifada | London 26 July 2012 Journalist Paul Martin after his release in Gaza City, March 2010. (Mohammed Othman / APA images) A journalist who produced a film defending Israel’s war crimes in Gaza for the BBC is the same man who wrote hoax stories about Palestine and Lebanon a […]

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Richard Falk: Goldstone breathes new life into Gaza report

26 April 2011 By Richard Falk, Al Jazeera – 20 Apr 2011 http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/04/2011417115920432106.html The Goldstone Report fails to justly present the facts about Israel’s war crimes in Gaza Richard Falk Ever since it first struck the raw nerve of Israeli political consciousness, I thought it misleading to associate the Goldstone Report so exclusively with its […]

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ISRAEL: Criminal to the marrow of the bones

Posted by attendingtheworld at PS.HADNEWS.COM on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 8:34 pm. TheNakedTruthInAConfusedWorld: ISRAEL: Criminal to the marrow of the bones Israeli prison raid footage released Television images shows Israeli Terrorist troops using live ammunition in deadly operation at detention centre. Hundreds of Palestinian have died inside Israeli prisons and now an Israeli television […]

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Resheq: Itamar attack could be homicide

[ 13/03/2011 – 10:46 AM ]   DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Political bureau member of Hamas Ezzet Al-Resheq has said that his movement was not involved in the Itamar attack near Nablus. He affirmed in a statement late Saturday that Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions do not target children. The Hamas leader did not rule out […]

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Gaza govt: Settler attackers may not be Palestinian

Gaza govt: Settler attackers may not be Palestinian Published today (updated) 13/03/2011 11:57 Israeli soldiers block access to a house where five Israelis were murdered in the Jewish settlement of Itamar. Angry Israeli settlers entered a village near Nablus on Sunday after the grisly murder of a family of five, as police went on high […]

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Settler attacks against Palestinians escalate

Settler attacks against Palestinians escalate Published today 10:47 BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – As the Shabbat ended Saturday evening, Israeli settlers raided Palestinian villages and towns across the West Bank, injuring several Palestinians. The raids followed the killing of a family of five Israelis in Itamar settlement in Nablus overnight Friday. A three-month-old baby Hadas, Elad, 4, […]

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“Muslim” murders “Jews” in Israeli Settlement!

Posted by attendingtheworld at PS.HADNEWS.COM on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 6:52 pm. The posts attacking Muslims and depicting the thugs (Israeli Settlers as victims) have quickly sprung up on WordPress by the hateful  mob of NaZionists and their Muslim-hating supporters. These Israeli settler thugs who are really subhuman, have committed atrocities against Palestinians daily […]

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Five Israeli settlers killed in Itamar

12/03/2011 – 08:31 AM NABLUS, (PIC)– Five Israeli settlers were killed in their house in Itamar settlement, which was built on Palestinian land in Nablus, at dawn Saturday. Hebrew media claimed that a “terrorist suspect” infiltrated into the settlement and killed the father, mother, and three of their children. Israeli occupation forces (IOF) were immediately […]

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