IOF soldiers round up 10 Palestinians

[ PIC 08/04/2012 – 10:22 AM ]

QALQILIA, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up ten Palestinians in various West Bank areas at dawn Sunday, including four in Qalqilia village of Azzun, Hebrew press reported.

It said that IOF soldiers found four automatic rifles and 500 bullets in a Palestinian car south of Tulkarem on Saturday night and arrested the driver.

Palestinian sources said that an IOF unit stormed Beit Kahel village to the west of Al-Khalil and detained a young man.

Locals in Al-Khalil province told the PIC reporter that other IOF units burst into Arub refugee camp and eight villages at dawn Sunday but no arrests were made.

They said that an IOF unit installed a roadblock to the eastern entrance of the city and occupied a house turning its roof into a watchtower. IOF soldiers had roamed the city’s streets at a late night hour on Saturday.

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