#GazaUnderAttack | US military aid to Israel exceeds $100 billion – Report

US President Barack Obama speaks with military personnel while viewing an Iron Dome missile battery at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport.

US President Barack Obama speaks with military personnel while viewing an Iron Dome missile battery at Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport.


The total American military aid to Israel has amounted to $100 billion since it began in 1962, making the Zionist regime the largest foreign recipient of taxpayer dollars, according to a report.

The largest amount of US aid in a single year came to $15.7 billion in 1979, when Israel signed the peace treaty with Egypt, according to Haaretz.

For the past decades, the United States has been transferring annual aid of about $3 billion to Israel. In recent years the aid has been solely for military purposes.

In addition, the US has been funding many of Israel’s military projects such as the Iron Dome, a system designed to intercept incoming short-range missiles.

Israel has received over $700 million in American funds for the missile system since 2011.

The US Congress approved a $225 million emergency funding package for the Iron Dome early in August as Israeli forces were engaged in a bloody campaign against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The new funding is in addition to the $351 million that is already under discussion for the Iron Dome in fiscal 2015.

Under an existing 10-year aid agreement between Washington and Tel Aviv signed in 2007, $30 billion of American money is flowing to Israel.

Meanwhile, US and Israeli officials have discussed a surge in US military aid in a new package that would extend through 2027.

At a White House press conference on August 1, US President Barack Obama reiterated his support for what he called Israel’s “right to defend itself.”

“Not only have we been supportive of Israel in its right to defend itself, but in very concrete terms — for example, in support for the Iron Dome program that has intercepted rockets that are firing down on Israeli cities — we’ve been trying to cooperate as much as we can to make sure that Israel is able to protect its citizens,” Obama stated.

During the course of Israel’s latest onslaught against Gaza, the US allowed the regime to use an American-owned munitions stockpile consisting of missiles, armored vehicles and artillery ammunition.

Many legal experts and human rights observers say the United States’ huge military aid to Israel makes senior US officials complicit in Israeli war crimes in Gaza.



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Israel’s Weapons: A Crime on Humanity

In an article of March 4, Richard Lightbown argues that Israel’s use of depleted uranium, white phosphorus and other toxic metals in its war on the people of the Gaza Strip has put the whole of the Strip’s population and its environment – air, soil, groundwater and possibly seawater – at risk of serious long-term injury and contamination.

Effects of White Phosphorus – Click to enlarge

Press TV on 4 March 2011 reported that cancer cases in Gaza had increased by 30 per cent, and that there was a link between the occurrence of the disease and residence in areas that had been badly hit by Israeli bombing. Zekra Ajour from the Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights told the channel that Gaza had been a testing ground for illegal weapons.

Birth defects

On 20 December 2009 Al-Dameer had published another paper in Arabic on the increase in the number of babies born in Gaza with birth defects, thought to be the result of radioactive and toxic materials from Operation Cast Lead.1 The birth defects included incomplete hearts and malformations of the brain. During August, September and October 2008 the number of cases had been 27. In the comparable months in 2009 the numbers had risen to 47. There was a similar rise in aborted foetuses. Al-Dameer had called for scientific monitoring throughout the Gaza Strip to obtain statistics on deformed foetus cases relating to the intentional use of internationally banned weapons.

Similar dramatic increases in birth defects over a longer period have been recorded in Iraq and have been linked to widespread use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons. (It is reported that local midwives no longer look forward to births as they don’t know what is going to come out.)

Depleted uranium

“Depleted uranium burns at almost 1200 degrees Celsius. (TNT by comparison burns at 576 degrees Celsius.) At this temperature the fire vaporizes any metals in the target which in combination with uranium are released into the air in aerosol form. After deposition the aerosols have the potential to contaminate groundwater.”

Although the epidemiologist Professor Alastair Hay told the BBC in March 2010 that it was difficult to suggest any particular cause for the trend,2 scientific data has been published which contradicts his opinion. A review in Environmental Health in 20053 concluded by saying:

Regarding the teratogenicity of parental prenatal exposure to DU aerosols, the evidence, albeit imperfect, indicates a high probability of substantial risk. Good science indicates that depleted uranium weapons should not be manufactured or exploded.

When later asked in the same interview about white phosphorus, Prof. Hay had replied;

…phosphorus is an essential element in our bodies and so you would I think have to ingest a huge amount to cause any particular problem. But there has been no investigation anywhere that I am aware of to link phosphorus with health problems…

Apparently the professor has not read the Goldstone Report of the previous year which states in paragraph 896:

Medical staff reported to the mission how even working in the areas where the phosphorus had been used made them feel sick, their lips would swell and they would become extremely thirsty and nauseous.

The toxicity of phosphorus is also recorded in a report by New York medical staff:4

Oral ingestion of white phosphorus in humans has been demonstrated to result in pathologic changes to the liver and kidneys. The ingestion of a small quantity of white phosphorus can cause gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Individuals with a history of oral ingestion have been noted to pass phosphorus-laden stool (“smoking stool syndrome”). The accepted lethal dose is 1 mg/kg, although the ingestion of as little as 15 mg has resulted in death.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reported that breathing white phosphorus for long periods causes “phossy jaw”, a condition in which there is poor wound healing of the mouth and breakdown of the jawbone.5

Note OccupiedPalestine: Dec 5, 2012 Israel rejects UN call to open its nuclear programm up for international inspection – (Source)Yet the same day is reported that Israel’s ‘denied’ nuke sites: UN demands atomic arsenal access. Israel denies access too
(Read more here and watch the video report)Dec 6, 2012 sources confirm that Israel Used Depleted Uranium Munitions again during the latest Gaza Offensive ~ by Richard Silverstein (@Richards1052)

Related resources

  • 1985 | Vanunu’s 1985 Photos of Dimona Nuclear Arms Facility –Photos
  • 2013 | CIA documents reveal Israeli stockpile of chemical weapons – IMEMC News
  • 2013 | New York tech university evasive about Israeli partner’s role in arms industry – EI
  • 2012 | What ‘Bibi’ Left out when he drew his bomb – The facts about Israel’s incitement, imaginary threats & all silenced by occpal
  • 2011 | No Million Stories about the Zionist Rape of This World  – Just Watch it – Photos
  • 2011 | Israel’s New Nuclear Waste Dump: The US.  Sorek reactor waste exported – Source
  • 2011 | Israel send it’s nuclear WASTE back to US – UPI
  • 2010 | Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories – Kawther Salam
  • 2009 | 75 Tons of Depleted Uranium found in Gaza after Cast Lead Attacks – Nuclear News
  • 2009 | High Tech Weaponry used in Gaza: Radiation contamination by Depleted Uranium – Global Research
  • 2008 | Syria tells UN Israel buries nuclear waste in occupied Golan heights – Haaretz
  • 2007 | Polonium 210 (which killed Litvinenko) poisoning occurred amongst workers at Israel’s infamous Dimona – Source
  • Dimona – Negev Nuclear Research Center – Kirya le-Mehekar Gariny (KAMAG) – Imagery Analysis Report

Depleted uranium in US-supplied bunker-buster bombs

Evidence of the use of depleted uranium against Gaza is tenuous and Goldstone merely recorded in paragraph 907 that it had received allegations which it had not further investigated. Much of this evidence came from Action des citoyens pour le désarmement nucléaire (ACDN: Citizens Action for Nuclear Disarmament). Their report of July 2009 hypothesizes that the GBU-39 bunker-buster bomb is packed with 75 kilogram of depleted uranium. (A UNEP report also ambiguously refers to bunker-buster bombs containing depleted uranium.) The US delivery of 1,000 of these bombs to Israel arrived in early December 2008 shortly before the start of the war. The GBU-39 is considered one of the world’s most precise bombs and Boeing, the manufacturer, claims that the bomb will penetrate three feet of steel-reinforced concrete. (UNEP suggests that it can penetrate reinforced concrete to depths ranging from 1.8 to over 6 metres.) Boeing’s patent on the weapon mentions depleted uranium.6

It is not known how many bunker-buster bombs were used against Gaza but it seems reasonable to assume that the number could run into hundreds. It is thought that they were used mostly in the Philadelphia corridor against the tunnels. Desmond Travers, the former Irish army officer who was a member of the Goldstone Commission, would only say that depleted uranium may have been used during the war, although he did agree that it would have been well suited for attacking the tunnels where maximum penetration would have been desired.7 He was also in agreement with ACDN that the use of below-ground targets would have considerably reduced the levels of aerosol uranium that was dispersed into the air.

Col Raymond Lane, who is chief instructor of ordnance with the Irish armed forces, gave testimony to the Goldstone Commission on weapons used in the Gaza conflict. He told the commission that he had no expertise of depleted uranium and so had not investigated it. He gave no reason for his failure to bring in specialist expertise to investigate the subject.8

In April 2009 Jean-François Fechino from ACDN was part of a four-person team which went to Gaza for the Arab Commission for Human Rights. Samples that the team brought back were analysed by a specialist laboratory which identified carcinogens: depleted uranium, caesium, asbestos dust, tungsten and aluminium oxide. Thorium oxide was also found, which is radioactive, as are depleted uranium and caesium. The analysis also identified phosphates and copper, along with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are a health hazard, especially to children, asthmatics and elders.9

Depleted uranium burns at almost 1200 degrees Celsius. (TNT by comparison burns at 576 degrees Celsius.)10 At this temperature the fire vaporizes any metals in the target which in combination with uranium are released into the air in aerosol form. After deposition the aerosols have the potential to contaminate groundwater. (The Gaza aquifer, which is the Strip’s only water source, is also connected to ground water supplies in Egypt, although water only flows into Gaza from Israel.11)

There is empirical documentation that the aerosols can travel up to 42 Km and theoretical documentation that they can travel further. Sderot is about 43 kilometres from the Philadelphia corridor and less than five kilometres from Beit Hanoun. In consequence, it may be that the activities of Israel’s air force have created a greater threat to the Israeli city than all of the 8,000 well-publicized rockets from Gaza ever have.

Depleted uranium accumulation has been recorded in the bone, kidney, reproductive system, brain and lung. It is carcinogenic, toxic to the kidneys, damaging to cellular DNA and causes malformations to an embryo or foetus.

Note OccupiedPalestine:
Research reports 75 Tons of depleted uranium were found in Gaza.
more here
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14766 http://nuclear-news.net/2010/07/19/75-tons-of-depleted-uranium-in-gaza-following-israeli-attacks/

White phosphorus

“Doctors found that when they removed bandages applied to a wound that still contained fragments of white phosphorous, smoke would come from the wound since the chemical continues to burn as long as it is in contact with oxygen.”

Although an Israeli army spokesman told CNN on 7 January 2009, “I can tell you with certainty that white phosphorus is absolutely not being used.” the chemical had been used by Israeli forces since the beginning of the war.12 The Goldstone Report stated that Israeli sources later claimed their forces had stopped using white phosphorous on 7 January 2009 because of international concerns. This was also untrue as there is evidence that it had been used after that date. Goldstone declared the Israeli armed forces to have been “systematically reckless” in using white phosphorous in built-up areas (paragraphs 884, 886 and 890).

Difficulty in detecting the extent of damage to tissue and organs gave serious problems to medical staff trying to treat white phosphorus injuries. Several patients died as a result. Doctors found that when they removed bandages applied to a wound that still contained fragments of white phosphorous, smoke would come from the wound since the chemical continues to burn as long as it is in contact with oxygen. White phosphorous sticks to tissue so that all flesh and sometimes muscle around the burn would have to be cut out. The substance is also highly toxic (Goldstone paragraphs 892/4/5/6).

Click here to watch the full albums of Israel’s war on Gaza “Cast Lead” 2008-2009

An article published in The Lancet included photographs of a young man who was admitted to hospital in Gaza with white phosphorous burns on 30 per cent of his body. The day after admission smoke was noticed coming from the wounds and the patient was rapidly transferred to the operating room for removal of dead tissue and removal of white phosphorus particles. During the operation a particle of the chemical was dislodged and caused a superficial burn on a nurse’s neck. The patient survived.13

Col Lane testified that although white phosphorus gave the best quality of smoke for military purposes it was “horrible stuff” and the Irish army had stopped using it 20 years previously. He recounted how the British army had sea-dumped quantities of the material off the coast of southwest. Scotland in the 1950s, some of which had been washed up on the coast of Ireland by a storm in 2007. It had ignited on drying (the colonel had witnessed this himself) and in one instance a child had suffered burns as a result.

Other toxic materials

Mass spectrometry analysis conducted by the New Weapons Research Group (NWRG) found aluminium, titanium, strontium, barium, cobalt and mercury in biopsies taken from white phosphorus wounds at Shifaa Hospital, Gaza. (Aluminium, barium and mercury have potential for lethal and intoxicating effects; aluminium and mercury can cause chronic pathologies over time; mercury is carcinogenic for humans; cobalt can cause mutations; and aluminium is fetotoxic, i.e. injurious to foetuses.)14

White phosphorus bombs are built with alternating sectors of white phosphorus and aluminium. Analysis by NWRC of the powder from a shell near Al-Wafa Hospital in Gaza also found high levels of molybdenum, tungsten and mercury. Tungsten and mercury are carcinogenic, while molybdenum is toxic to sperms.

In a report appropriately entitled “Gaza Strip, soil has been contaminated due to bombings: population in danger”, NWRG also conducted analyses of two craters caused by bombs in 2006 and two others by bombs in 2009. In the 2006 craters they identified tungsten, mercury and molybdenum, while in the 2009 craters at Tufah they discovered molybdenum, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper and zinc. Cadmium and some nickel and manganese compounds are carcinogenic.15

NWRG has further conducted research of hair samples from 95 children resident in heavily bombed areas of Gaza. Again using mass spectrometry the study identified the carcinogenic or toxic metals chromium, cadmium, cobalt, tungsten and uranium. One wounded individual also had unusually high levels of lead. The study found the results alarming and considered the levels could be pathogenic in situations of chronic exposure. Thirty-nine of the examinees were recommended for further checks.16

DIME weapons, soil contamination and cancer

“DIME bombs cause a high proportion of amputations particularly of legs, while patients often suffered internal burns as well.”

It has been reported that soil in the area of a DIME (dense inert metal explosive) bomb blast may remain barren for an indefinite period of time because of contamination from heavy metal tungsten alloy.17 The same material in trial rapidly caused tumours in 100 per cent of rats when used at both low and high doses, with the tumours spreading to the lungs, necessitating euthanasia.18

DIME weapons were first used against Gaza by Israeli drones in the summer of 2006, when Palestinian medical personnel reported that it significantly increased the fatality rate among victims.19 Shortly after the DIME weapons were also trialled during the first week of the war in Lebanon in July 2006.

The Goldstone Commission was unable to confirm that DIME munitions were used by Israeli forces during Operation Cast Lead. Col Lane had told the commission in testimony that there was no actual proof. He then went on to testify that he had been given samples in Gaza which analysis in Dublin had shown to contain DIME materials consisting mostly of tungsten with traces of iron and sulphur. He was of the opinion that ordnance had been used that had some sort of DIME component. He also mentioned that he had read of unusual amputations, and that tungsten and cobalt would have this effect. Weaponry had been found with DIME components which was capable of amputation and there are Palestinian amputees, yet neither Col Lane nor the commission was prepared to say that DIME weapons had been used by Israeli forces.

DIME bombs cause a high proportion of amputations particularly of legs, while patients often suffered internal burns as well. The bombs consist of powdered tungsten alloy mixed with an explosive material inside a casing which disintegrates on explosion. The tungsten powder tears apart anything it hits including soft tissue and bone, causing very severe injuries. Tungsten alloy particles, described as “finely powdered micro-shrapnel”, are too small to be extracted from the victim’s body and are highly carcinogenic. (Goldstone, paragraphs 902-4)

No weapons fragments can be found from DIME bombs with standard diagnostic resources, despite the indication of heavy metals from this type of injuries. Mass spectrometry analyses by NWRG of biopsies from amputation injuries revealed aluminium, titanium, copper, strontium, barium, cobalt, mercury, vanadium, caesium, tin, arsenic, manganese, rubidium, cadmium, chromium, zinc and nickel. Doctors reported that it was difficult to determine the extent of dead tissue (which it is vital to remove). This resulted in higher rates of deep infection, subsequent amputation and higher mortality.20

The wide range of heavy metals discovered by analysis in casualties, residents and soil in Gaza suggests that other unidentified weapons may have also been trialled. (The Sensor Fuzed Weapon has been suggested as one such technological perversion that the Israeli forces may have used.21)

The whole Gaza population and their environment, including generations yet to be conceived, have been put at risk of serious long-term injury from heavy metal pollution of the air, soil and groundwater (and possibly the seawater too), while the causal pollution is likely to cross state borders into Egypt and even into Israel. Reassurances of the legitimate and responsible use and the reduced lethality of weapons (an opinion in part shared by Col Lane) are callous and inadequate in the context of the dangerous reality that has resulted. Meanwhile, the impacts of Israel’s illegal assaults on Gaza remain ignored and its deeds uncensored by the wider international community.


  1. Kawther Salam, 29 December 2009; Abortions, Cancer, Diseases and… in Gaza |  Intifada-Palestine.
  2. BBCNews, 4 March 2010; Falluja Doctors Report Rise in Birth Defects.
  3. Rita Hindin, Doug Brugge and Bindu Panikkar; Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective; Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source 2005, 4:17 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-4-17.
  4. Lisandro Irizarry, Mollie V Williams, Geri M Williams and José Eric Díaz-Alcalá, 21 October 2009; CBRNE – Incendiary Agents, White Phosphorus.
  5. UNEP, 2007; Lebanon Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment, p 149.
  6. ACDN, 4 July 2009; Report on the Use of Radioactive Weapons in the Gaza Strip during Operation Cast Lead | PDF
  7. Dr Hana Chehata, 9 March 2010; Disturbing Findings of Toxic Uranium Levels in Gaza  |  Middle East Monitor.
  8. Video accessed from http://blog.unwatch.org/?p=413
  9. Palestinian Telegraph, 24 May 2009 | Israel Used Depleted Uranium in Offensive on Gaza.
  10. Sister Rosalie Bertell | Depleted Uranium in the Human Body: Sr Rosalie Bertell, PhD | video
  11. www.standwithus.com/FLYERS/WaterFlyer.pdf
  12. Human Rights Watch, 10 January 2009 |  Q & A on Israel’s Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza | PDF
  13. http://tinyurl.com/287wxo9
  14. Sobhi Skaik, Nafiz Abu-Shaban, Nasser Abu-Shaban, Mario Barbieri, Maurizio Barbieri, Umberto Giani, Paola Manduca, 31 July 2010|  Metals Detected by ICP/MS in Wound Tissue of War Injuries Without Fragments in Gaza | PDF
  15. NWRC, 17 December 2009; Gaza Strip, soil has been contaminated due to bombings: population in danger | PDF
  16. NWRC, 17 March 2010; Metals Detected in Palestinian Children’s Hair Suggest Environmental Contamination
  17. James Brooks, 6 December 2006; US and Israel Targeting DNA in Gaza? The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic Weapon, Part II. Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding.
  18. John F. Kalinich, et al, 15 February 2005; Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomysoarcomas in F344 Rats | PDF |  ehponline.org
  19. James Brooks, 5 December 2006; The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic weapon | Part 1; Al-Jazeera.
  20. David Halpin, 14 August 2006; Are New weapons Being Used in Gaza and Lebanon |  Electronic Intifada.
  21. James Brooks, 5 December 2006; The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic weapon | Part III; Al-Jazeera.

Starve Them; Shoot Them; then Give Them Cancer

An Inquiry into Israel’s use of DIME weaponry in of the Gaza Strip

James Brooks, Vermonters for a Just Peace
22 January 2009
At the end of 2006, James Brooks from Vermonters for a Just Peace published a three part expose into Israel’s suspected use of a previously unseen weapon, DIME Bombs, on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. Suspicions have arisen once more as Doctors continue to report the ‘strange and incurable wounds’ they are encountering following the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip.

Parts I, II and III of his well-researched and referenced work below:

US and Israel targeting DNA in Gaza? The DIME Bomb: Yet another genotoxic weapon

James Brooks, Media Monitors Network, December 4, 2006

“This warfare of the future is reminiscent of what Israel has been doing for years, but with one-ton bombs, 155-mm artillery shells, and tank-fired antipersonnel flechette bombs. Are FLM weapons like DIME an improvement? Or will they actually increase civilian casualties and suffering, and mimic depleted uranium weapons by inducing disease and genetic damage in their victims?”

:: Part 1 of 3 ::

A Palestinian woman with severe facial injuries from a Dime bomb
Picture: The Independent

It’s been almost five months since the first report that Israeli drone aircraft have been dropping a “mystery weapon” on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Since then, news media around the world have run stories depicting the strange and “horrific” wounds inflicted by the new bomb. The international press has spoken with Palestinian doctors and medics who say Israel’s new device is a kind of chemical weapon that has significantly increased the fatality rate among the victims of Israeli attacks. [1][2]

In mid-October, Italian investigators reported forensic evidence that suggests the new weapon may also represent the near future of US “counterinsurgency warfare”. Combined with photographs of the victims and testimony from attending doctors, this evidence points to the use of Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME). [3]

DIME is an LCD (“low collateral damage”) weapon developed at the US Air Force Research Laboratory. Publicly, it is slated for initial deployment in 2008. DIME bombs produce an unusually powerful blast within a relatively small area, spraying a superheated “micro-shrapnel” of powdered Heavy Metal Tungsten Alloy (HMTA). Scientific studies have found that HMTA is chemically toxic, damages the immune system, rapidly causes cancer, and attacks DNA (genotoxic).[4-11]

It is unfortunate that the US media have virtually blacked out the story of Israel’s new weapon, not least because our own military may soon be using it in Iraq and Afghanistan. The story might also have told us something about the grossly disproportionate brutality of Israel’s war on the Palestinian people—reason enough for the media to suppress it. [12]

Thanks to the intrepid Italians, the story could even have introduced Americans to their government’s DIME weapons program. This three-part article will ask whether Israel is ‘testing’ US DIME bombs in the Gaza Strip, and explore the workings, dangers, and projected use of DIME weapons and their roots in depleted uranium (DU) research. These parallels will lead us to consider DIME in its historical context, as the latest innovation in the US military’s long-running development of genotoxic weapons.

“They cannot return to life again”

The first reports about ‘Israel’s new weapon’ came from Dr Joma Al-Saqqa, chief of the emergency unit at Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa. Dr. Al-Saqqa said that Israel was using “a new ‘chemical’ weapon” and its siege was “a live exercise on a new ammunition that, so far, has resulted in killing 50 Palestinians and injuring 200.” He observed that, “despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body.”[13]

“There were usually entry and exit wounds,” Dr. Al-Saqqa reported. “When the wounds were explored no foreign material was found. There was tissue death, the extent of which was diff icult to determine….A higher deep infection rate resulted with subsequent amputation. In spite of amputation there was a higher mortality.” The effects of the weapon seemed “radioactive”. [14][15]

According to Palestine News Network, Dr. Al-Saqqa “confirmed that there were dozens of wounded legs and arms. Many of them had been burned from the inside, and distorted to the point that they cannot return to life again.”[16]

“When the shrapnel hit[s] the body, it causes very strong burns that destroy the tissues around the bones…it burns and destroys internal organs, like the liver, kidneys, and the spleen and other organs and makes saving the wounded almost impossible. As a surgeon, I have seen thousands of wounds during the Intifada, but nothing was like this weapon.”[17]

However, Dr. Al-Saqqa could not analyze the chemistry of the bizarre wounds. On the first day of the siege, June 27, Israel had conveniently destroyed Gaza’s only criminal laboratory. [18]

Despite his pleas to the “international community” to investigate and lend assistance in treating the victims, “no one has lifted a finger”, the doctor was quoted in mid-July. “What we found were journalists who came to take pictures, but as for the medical community, nothing.” [19]

On August 3, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reported that Commissioner-General Karen AbuZayd had visited Dr. Al-Saqqa’s hospital, “where the staff is struggling to deal with wounds resulting in an unusually high number of amputations.” Commissioner AbuZayd commented that “what we saw in Al-Shifa…was rather horrific.” [20]

According to Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International), “75 per cent of war-wounded patients admitted at one hospital needed amputations” following an Israeli attack on Gaza City. [21]

The World Health Organization was reportedly considering an investigation into the injuries. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel “agreed to take away fragments of tissue from the bodies of Palestinians killed during the recent military operations in Gaza for possible analysis in Israel but urged the medics to seek an international investigation.” [22]

Tungsten in Tissue Samples: A DIME Weapon?

On October 19, Italy’s Rai24news televised an investigative report that supplied crucial new information. The Italian investigators had tissue samples from the victims in Gaza analyzed by Dr. Carmela Vaccaio at University Parma. Dr. Vaccaio reportedly found “a very high concentration of carbon and the presence of unusual materials, such as copper, aluminum and tungsten.” The doctor concluded that her “findings could be in line with the hypothesis that the weapon in question is DIME.”

Rai24news reporters also talked to Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Ben-Israel, former chief of the IDF’s weapons development program. General Ben-Israel appeared to be familiar with DIME weapons. He explained that, “one of the ideas is to allow those targeted to be hit without causing damage to bystanders or other persons.” [23]

The US Air Force refers to this emerging realm of weaponry as FLM (Focused Lethality Munitions). FLM is expected to provide the ‘weapons of choice’ for targeting “terrorists hiding among civilians”, as a cheerleading Wall Street Journal article put it. [24]

With “focused lethality [and] higher energy materials…nano particles, intelligent fuzing, [and] mass focus lethality”, the Air Force “will be able to strike effectively, wherever and whenever necessary, with minimal collateral damage.” Ominously, the military thinks these weapons will allow it to target sites “previously off limits to the warfighter.” [25][26]

This warfare of the future is reminiscent of what Israel has been doing for years, but with one-ton bombs, 155-mm artillery shells, and tank-fired antipersonnel flechette bombs. Are FLM weapons like DIME an improvement? Or will they actually increase civilian casualties and suffering, and mimic depleted uranium weapons by inducing disease and genetic damage in their victims? These disturbing questions will be explored in the next installment of this article.

:: Part 2 of 3 ::

“Horrific” wounds in Gaza may be warfare of the future

In early July, shortly after the beginning of Israel’s bloody military siege of the Gaza Strip, reports began to appear that Israeli forces were using a new weapon that inflicted strange and untreatable wounds, and significantly increased the death tolls of Israel’s attacks. [27][28]

Italian investigators have reported evidence that the unidentified Israeli weapon is probably Dense Inert Metal Explosives, or DIME, a so-called LCD (“low collateral damage”) weapon developed by the United States Air Force. [29]

DIME bombs blast a superheated “micro-shrapnel” of powdered heavy metal tungsten alloy (HMTA). Studies indicate that HMTA embedded in the body disrupts biochemistry and rapidly causes cancer. Like depleted uranium (DU), HMTA is genotoxic—it is capable of inflicting genetic mutations. [30-36]

Publicly slated for deployment in 2008, DIME bombs are small but unusually powerful. Their carbon fiber casings make “more of the blast energy…available as blast as opposed to being absorbed in [a] steel case”. The carbon reportedly breaks into “thousands of harmless fibers” to prevent unintended casualties from casing shrapnel. [37]

The ‘footprint’ of the DIME blast is much smaller than a conventional bomb’s, because gravity and air resistance quickly drag the dense, finely powdered “micro-shrapnel” to the ground. The blast radius is reportedly as small as 25 feet. [38][39]

DIME is part of the Air Force’s Focused Lethality Munitions (FLM) program, which is expected to “allow” the targeting of “terrorists” wherever they are, even in places “previously off limits to the warfighter.” [40]

The ideal of FLM is to reliably kill every human within the blast zone—one way or another. It is ‘total war’ on a 50-foot circle, within which deaths are not admitted as collateral, but purchased as insurance.

Israel’s new weapon “slices” off its victims’ legs, leaving “signs of heat and burns near the point of the amputation”. It’s “as if a saw was used to cut through the bone”, according to Dr. Habas al-Wahid, head of the ER at Gaza’s Shuhada al-Aqsa hospital. [41]

Viewing photographs of the living and dead Palestinian victims of this device, many of whom are children, we notice patches of darkened but unburned skin, possibly where metal powder was driven into and/or through the skin by blast force. A child’s torso is peppered with holes, some of which, judging from doctors’ reports, probably tunnel through to exit wounds in the back. The skin and muscle of one victim is ripped into a blood-encrusted pulp, as if blasted at close range with tiny birdshot. Some of the corpses are unrecognizable. Most of the recent photos of “strange” wounds from Gaza appear to be consistent with what is known about DIME weapons. [42]

The area of a DIME blast should be treated with caution until it has been decontaminated (assuming this is possible). Depending on the local HMTA concentration, soil in the blast area may remain barren for an indefinite period of time, or it may grow plants internally contaminated with HMTA. [43][44]

The “who knew?” charade

In the scientific literature on tungsten and its alloys, the toxicity of HMTA stands apart. This formula (roughly 9 parts tungsten and one part nickel and cobalt or iron) damages DNA even when powders of the metals are simply mixed together. [30][31][35]

Implanting four tiny bits of weapons-grade HMTA in lab mice induced terminal cancer in 100 percent of the subjects. A powdered HMTA recipe was tumor-generating and capable of “genotoxic effects”. At least one experiment found parallels in the way DU and HMTA attack DNA. The results of another suggested that HMTA may pass its genetic damage down to the next generation. [34][31][35][36]

HMTA may be much more carcinogenic than DU when it is embedded in the body—as intended. “Tumors developed rapidly” in rats implanted with pellets of HMTA, but researchers “did not observe tumor formation in the DU-implanted rats.”

Multiple syndromes of heavy metal poisoning have also been attributed to this alloy, including polycythemia, which can be induced by cobalt overdose. Because HMTA contains far too little cobalt to cause the disease by itself, researchers suspected a synergistic effect among or between the metals. [34]

In a 2005 article reviewing the “status of health concerns” about depleted uranium and “surrogate metals” such as HMTA, three scientists at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) wrote that “medical and political controversies surrounding the use of DU” had spurred “a search for substitute metals in armor-penetrating munitions.” [45]

“[N]ew alloys of tungsten/nickel/cobalt and tungsten/nickel/iron…rival DU in armor-penetrating performance”, and are “among the leading candidates to replace DU in selected munitions”. Some of this ordnance “has already been deployed, although on a relatively small scale.”

The article then reviews the science detailing the alarming health risks of HMTA, much of it conducted by the authors, whom we thank for their work. It then attempts to explain how the military’s favorite “surrogate metal” turned out to be almost as genotoxic as DU, and probably more carcinogenic: “In many ways the development of substitutes for DU in munitions has followed a pattern similar to that for DU deployment, in that incomplete toxicological information was available prior to their release…it was assumed that many years of industrial use of tungsten and alloys such as tungsten carbide…meant they could be used as safely in armaments.”

We infer that it was reasonable for the military to deploy DU weapons, because the toxicological information was “incomplete”. It’s a strange scientific rigor that requires us to know exactly how a known poison works before we stop giving it to people.

The cold fact is that there never was a scientifically valid reason to “assume” that depleted uranium could be used “safely in armaments”. Quite the opposite; as we shall see in part three, the Army realized more than 60 years ago that finely powdered uranium products could make extremely potent antipersonnel weapons. [46]

We currently have “incomplete toxicological information” about HMTA, but for more than fifteen years we have had clear warnings about the health risks of combining these metals. US weapons scientists should have known as early as 1992 that mixing cobalt with tungsten could greatly increase the resulting alloy’s cancer potential. [47][48]

It is hardly news that nickel is carcinogenic and genotoxic, and specialists have long noted that heavy metal alloys tend to unpredictably amplify the toxicities of their component metals. With this kind of “incomplete” information at hand, could military scientists have reasonably “assumed” that nickel would be a “safe” addition to HMTA?

Concerns have been voiced about tungsten sport ammunition for several years. Tungsten alloy bullets, some also containing nickel and cobalt (for superior hardness), were found to pose potential environmental hazards in several studies. A probable link between industrial tungsten and leukemia has been identified. Compared to these findings, however, the toxicity of HMTA may be of a different order. [43][44]

The “who knew?” apologia offered by the AFRRI researchers asks us to assume that the scientists who developed DIME weapons proceeded in sheer ignorance of the existing science. They were so incompetent that they merely “assumed” that they could use any tungsten alloy.

Does this implausibility jibe with the rest of the picture? A multi-billion dollar military weapons program is stung by the “controversies” surrounding its toxic DU-uranium weapons, and is under pressure to produce an expedient alternative. Would this program’s scientists have been allowed to be so cavalier about consulting the literature? Would the replacement metal be chosen on blind faith, without bothering to conduct even simple studies of its potential health impacts?

Logically, we must conclude that the military developed HMTA in the knowledge that it could have significant carcinogenic and genotoxic effects. Did they “assume” that saying “tungsten is safer than DU” would take care of the matter?

Perhaps relatively non-toxic tungsten carbide, famed for its hardness and cutting ability, would not have sufficed for the purposes of the DIME bomb. Focused Lethality Munitions like DIME must kill all of their victims. Slicing off their arms and legs is not enough.

The last installment of this article will trace the roots of HMTA in depleted uranium and decades of US warfare with poisonous, DNA-damaging powders. Then we will return to Gaza to consider the damage done, and the damage to come, if the warmakers have their way.

:: Part 3 of 3 ::

The human genome: target or innocent bystander?

Since early July, Israeli forces have been using a new weapon in the Gaza Strip that inflicts strange and deadly wounds. Doctors and medics say the unidentified device has significantly increased fatalities from Israel’s attacks. [49][50]

In the first two parts of this article we reviewed evidence that Israel’s new weapon may be Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME), a “low collateral damage” weapon developed by the US Air Force. The DIME bomb’s “micro-shrapnel” is reportedly made of HMTA, a tungsten alloy that disrupts body biochemistry, damages the immune system, rapidly causes cancer, and attacks DNA (genotoxic). [51-56]

The Road to DIME

DIME weapons are “spin-offs” from the military’s “bunker buster” research. Initially, “bunker busters” were made with depleted uranium (DU), which had already been used in armor-piercing bombs, bullets, and artillery shells. [57] The former director of the US Army’s Depleted Uranium project, Dr. Douglas Rokke, warns us that DU is an “illegal…radioactive toxic material”, the use of which “is absolutely unacceptable, and a crime against humanity.” [58]

During Gulf War I, US forces deployed more than 300 tons of DU in Iraq. A few years later, more was dropped during Operation Desert Fox. Iraqi doctors reported alarming rises in the incidence of cancer, leukemia, and birth defects, in clusters closely correlated with US bombsites. Scientists found strong links between DU and Gulf War Syndrome, which is slowly killing thousands of veterans. [59-61]

Despite the science, the vets, and the tragedies in Iraq, the US has stubbornly refused to end its use of DU. US-UK forces may have expended more than 2000 additional tons of DU in Iraq since March 2003. Nowadays, however, commanders are supposed to warn GIs to avoid contact with the results of their work. [62]

After the 2001-2002 bombing of Afghanistan, the Uranium Medical Research Centre (UMRC) found that the urine of Afghanis living near US bombing sites contained 4 to 20 times the normal level of non-depleted uranium (NDU).

These unexpected results could not “be explained by…any known geological or other features in the area.” UMRC researchers were “shocked” that, “without exception, at every bombsite investigated, people are ill…[with] symptoms consistent with internal contamination by uranium.” [63]

Their field results indicated that our weapons scientists had “progressed” beyond DU to NDU, a processed form of pure uranium that is even more toxic than the depleted form. The “slightly enriched” uranium reported from recent Israeli bombsites in Lebanon may possibly be NDU from modified GBU 28 ‘bunker busters’ supplied by the United States. [64][65]

Dual-Purpose Munitions

Considering the scope of their destructive power, DU and NDU may be said to function as Dual-Purpose Munitions, like cluster bomblets that kill both tanks and people. As their exotic metallurgy “burns” through concrete and steel, DU and NDU bombs are converted to micron-sized particles that sicken and kill and murder the next generation in the womb. [66][67]

Agent Orange, an herbicide heavily used during the war on Vietnam, also performed two functions. It obliterated the ‘jungle cover hiding the Viet Cong’ while it ‘weakened the enemy’ with burns, illness, and death, and corrupted the DNA of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. The third generation of its disfigured and suffering victims is now being born. [68][69]

This madness seems to have begun during World War II, within the Manhattan Project that built the first atomic bomb. In a 1943 memo to Brigadier General L. R. Groves, three researchers proposed steps to develop: “a gas warfare instrument” [of radioactive material, such as uranium] “ground into particles of microscopic size to form dust and smoke….in this form it would be inhaled by personnel. The amount necessary to cause death to a person inhaling the material is extremely small. It has been estimated that one millionth of a gram accumulating in a person’s body would be fatal. There are no known methods of treatment for such a casualty.” [70]

The good doctors were concerned the Germans might be preparing such a weapon. They urged the Army to be ready to respond, or act, in kind. General Groves promptly followed their recommendations.

The toxic HMTA “micro-shrapnel” spewed by DIME weapons appears to be the latest development in a long string of carcinogenic and genotoxic weapons developed and deployed by the US military.

Return to Gaza: The mythology of murder

Israel has denied using DIME weapons. Nonetheless, Israel’s military has used the occupied Palestinian territories as a weapons development zone for decades, testing bright ideas like depleted uranium and poison gases. It would not surprise us to find that it is now testing a weapon for the US Air Force on Palestinians in Gaza. [71]

Unfortunately, the DIME hypothesis is the most plausible explanation for the grotesque effects of Israel’s new weapon. We can only pray that we have not witnessed the first experiment in the effects of embedded HMTA in human subjects.

Still, DIME may not explain all of the evidence. For example, one of the metals found in victims’ wounds was copper. DIME bombs are not known to contain significant copper, but another US marvel, the Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW), sprays slugs of molten copper at its targets. Is Israel also testing the SFW? [72][73]

If DIME weapons are designed to reduce civilian casualties, why has Israel’s ‘mystery weapon’ increased the civilian death toll? Perhaps this question should be addressed to the advocates of Focused Lethality Munitions, and to the remote-control operators of Israel’s drone aircraft and their commanders and politicians.

Although much remains unclear about Israel’s new weapon, a few devastating facts are indisputable:

- The weapon causes enormous and indiscriminate pain and suffering.
- It operates as both a chemical weapon and an anti-personnel explosive. At the very least, it is likely to induce heavy metal poisoning in its surviving victims.
- The weapon has significantly increased civilian mortality rates, in part because it inflicts virtually untreatable wounds.
- Despite this public parade of horrors, Israeli forces have continued to use this weapon against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for nearly five months.

“Whenever and wherever necessary”

If the DIME hypothesis is confirmed, authorities will probably explain that it is a new class of weapon not regulated by international law. The truth is that existing conventions and treaties have already prohibited some of the most egregious effects of the new weapon.

To cite one example, the bomb may be in direct violation of Protocol I of the ’Geneva Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons’, which “prohibits the use of any weapon the primary effect of which is to injure by fragments which in the human body escape detection by X-rays.” [74]

We will likely be told that DIME weapons provide a more “humane” way to fight “terrorism” by “reducing collateral damage” and “helping US troops win hearts and minds”. At the same time, we’ll be assured that the new weapon “packs quite a punch” and will “give our troops more options” to “take the battle to the enemy”, even if he is “hiding among civilians”.

Whether Israel’s new weapon is the Air Force’s DIME bomb or another similarly dreadful invention, the horrors unfolding in Gaza make it clear that “Focused Lethality” is a blood-drenched lie. It promises only a deadlier form of indiscriminate warfare.

US plans to explode payloads of cancer-causing genotoxic heavy metal powder “wherever and whenever necessary” may portend an escalation of a campaign currently limited to the vicinity of “hard targets” we attack with DU and NDU. Whatever we make of the intent behind these weapons, the habitual result is chemical-genetic warfare. It cannot be allowed to continue.

Suspected DIME injury from 2006, Gaza
Pictures: Vermonters For Just Peace http://www.vtjp.org/images/320gaza_new_weapon_legs.jpg


[1]. Palestinian injuries suggest Israel is using chemical weapons in Gaza Ma’an News, 7/10/2006 http://www.maannews.net/en/index.php? opr=ShowDetails&ID=13044

[2]. Israel used chemical weapons in Lebanon and Gaza By Jean Shaoul, Centre for Research on Globalization/wsws.org, 10/24/2006 http://wsws.org/articles/2006/oct2006/ isra-o24.shtml

[3]. Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip Ha’aretz, 10/19/2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=772894

[4]. Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) GlobalSecurity.org, 10/18/2006 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ systems/munitions/dime.htm

[5]. Abstract: Potential late health effects of depleted uranium and tungsten used in armor-piercing munitions: comparison of neoplastic transformation and genotoxicity with the known carcinogen nickel Miller, AC, et al, PubMed, 11/26/2006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/ query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed& list_uids=11873492&dopt=Abstract

[6]. Neoplastic transformation of human osteoblast cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by heavy metal–tungsten alloy particles: induction of genotoxic effects Miller, AC, et al Carcinogenesis, Vol. 22, No. 1, 115-125, January 2001, Oxford University Press http://carcin.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/ full/22/1/115

[7]. Abstract: Carcinogenic Potential of Depleted Uranium and Tungsten Alloys Alexandra C Miller, Ph. D., Department Of Defense, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) http://www.deploymentlink.osd.mil/ du_library/reports/projects/dod122.htm

[8]. Depleted uranium-catalyzed oxidative DNA damage: absence of significant alpha particle decay Miller, AC, et al, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Issue 91, 2002 pp. 246– 252 http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil/www/outreach/ pdf/tungsten_cancer.pdf

[9]. Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats Kalinich et al, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 6, June 2005 http://www.ehponline.org/members/2005/ 7791/7791.html

[10]. Abstract: Effect of the militarily-relevant heavy metals, depleted uranium and heavy metal tungsten-alloy on gene expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) By Miller, AC, et al, SpringerLink/Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 1/1/2004 http://www.springerlink.com/content/u8830 115617471jl/

[11]. Preconceptional paternal exposure to radiation or heavy metals like cadmium can induce cancer in unexposed offspring By Alexandra C. Miller, Rafael Rivas, Robert J. Merlot and Paul, Carcinogenesis 5: Environmental and Endogenous Carcinogens/Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res, Volume 47, 2006 http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org/cgi/ content/abstract/2006/1/448-b

[12]. If Americans Knew http://www.ifamericansknew.org/

[13]. Israel ’is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza By Duraid Al Baik, Centre for Research on Globalization/Gulf News, 6/13/2006 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=viewArticle&code= AL%2020060713&articleId=2730

[14]. Are New Weapons Being Used In Gaza and Lebanon By David Halpin MB BS FRCS, Electronic Intifada, 8/14/2006 http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article5528. shtml

[15]. Ministry of Health report on toxic Israeli weapons confirmed by Gaza City medical sources Palestine News Network, 7/13/2006 http://www.pnn.ps/english/archive2006/ jul/week2/130706/report5.htm

[16]. ibid.

[17]. Doctors Report Unusual Weapon Used in Gaza Pacifica/Free Speech Radio News 7/11/2006 http://www.pacifica.org/programs/fsrn/ fsrn_060711.html

[18]. Israel ’is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza Centre for Research on Globalization/Gulf News, 6/13/2006 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=viewArticle&code= AL%2020060713&articleId=2730

[19]. Ministry of Health report on toxic Israeli weapons confirmed by Gaza City medical sources Palestine News Network, 7/13/2006 http://www.pnn.ps/english/archive2006/ jul/week2/130706/report5.htm

[20]. UNRWA Commissioner-General Karen AbuZayd: “Please don’t forget what’s going on in Gaza” ReliefWeb/UNRWA, 8/3/2006 http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/ db900SID/EVOD-6SBJDR? OpenDocument&rc=3&emid=ACOS-635PFR

[21]. Hospitals in Gaza overwhelmed and running out of supplies Electronic Intifada/Merlin, 8/8/2006 http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article5455. shtml

[22]. Gaza doctors encounter ’unexplained injuries’ Donald Macintyre, The Independent 9/4/2006 http://news.independent.co.uk/world/ middle_east/article1359830.ece

[23]. Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip Ha’aretz, 10/12/2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=772894

[24]. Air Force seeks a bomb with less bang By Greg Jaffe, The Wall Street Journal/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/11/2006 http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06096/679996-84.stm

[25]. Munition Technology Drivers By Col. Thomas “Mas” Masiell, Air Force Research Laboratory, 12/1/2006 http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2001munitions/masiello.pdf

[26]. USAF Unfunded Priority List (UPL) SAF/FMB POC, FY 2007, February 2006, Page 54 http://wwwd.house.gov/hasc_democrats/ Issues%20109th/unfunded/AF%20UFR% 20FY07.pdf

[27]. Israel accused of using ’Dime’ bombs AlJazeera, 10/13/2006 http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ B79DF070-B20C-47A7-A204- 08297E5FC1B2.htm

[28]. Israel used chemical weapons in Lebanon and Gaza By Jean Shaoul, Centre for Research on Globalization/wsws.org, 10/24/2006 http://wsws.org/articles/2006/oct2006/isra-o24.shtml

[29]. Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip Ha’aretz, 10/19/2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=772894

[30]. Abstract: Potential late health effects of depleted uranium and tungsten used in armor-piercing munitions: comparison of neoplastic transformation and genotoxicity with the known carcinogen nickel Miller, AC, et al, PubMed, 11/26/2006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query. fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids =11873492&dopt=Abstract

[31]. Neoplastic transformation of human osteoblast cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by heavy metal–tungsten alloy particles: induction of genotoxic effects Miller, AC, et al Carcinogenesis, Vol. 22, No. 1, 115-125, January 2001, Oxford University Press http://carcin.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/ full/22/1/115

[32]. Abstract: Carcinogenic Potential of Depleted Uranium and Tungsten Alloys Alexandra C Miller, Ph. D., Department Of Defense, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) http://www.deploymentlink.osd.mil/du_ library/reports/projects/dod122.htm

[33]. Depleted uranium-catalyzed oxidative DNA damage: absence of significant alpha particle decay Miller, AC, et al, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Issue 91, 2002 pp. 246– 252 http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil/www/outreach/ pdf/tungsten_cancer.pdf

[34]. Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats Kalinich et al, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 6, June 2005 http://www.ehponline.org/members/2005/ 7791/7791.html

[35]. Abstract: Effect of the militarily-relevant heavy metals, depleted uranium and heavy metal tungsten-alloy on gene expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) By Miller, AC, et al, SpringerLink/Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 1/1/2004 http://www.springerlink.com/content/ u8830115617471jl/

[36]. Preconceptional paternal exposure to radiation or heavy metals like cadmium can induce cancer in unexposed offspring By Alexandra C. Miller, Rafael Rivas, Robert J. Merlot and Paul, Carcinogenesis 5: Environmental and Endogenous Carcinogens/Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res, Volume 47, 2006 http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org/cgi/ content/abstract/2006/1/448-b

[37]. Air Force seeks a bomb with less bang By Greg Jaffe, The Wall Street Journal/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/11/2006 http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06096/679996-84.stm

[38]. Cancer Worries for New U.S. Bombs DefenseTech.org, 5/20/2006 http://www.defensetech.org/archives/ 002434.html

[39]. Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) GlobalSecurity.org, 10/18/2006 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ systems/munitions/dime.htm

[40]. USAF Unfunded Priority List (UPL) SAF/FMB POC, FY 2007, February 2006, Page 54 http://wwwd.house.gov/hasc_democrats/ Issues%20109th/unfunded/AF%20UFR% 20FY07.pdf

[41]. Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip Ha’aretz, 10/19/2006 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=772894

[42]. Effects of Israel’s New Weapon Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel http://www.vtjp.org/report/neweapon images.htm

[43]. Possible Health And Environmental Impacts Of Tungsten In Lead Replacement Shot Paul Harrison and Karen Bradley, MRC Institute for Environment and Health 2005 http://www.defra.gov.uk/ENVIRONMENT/ chemicals/achs/050906/achs0516a.pdf

[44]. Tungsten Effects on Soil Environments Nikolay Strigul, et al, UMass, Annual International Conference on Soil, Sediments and Water, 10/18/2004 http://www.umasssoils.com/abstracts2004/ Tuesday/trainingranges.htm#Tungsten% 20Effects%20on%20Soil%20Environments

[45]. Status of Health Concerns about Military Use of Depleted Uranium and Surrogate Metals in Armor-Penetrating Munitions D.E. McClain, A.C. Miller, and J.F. Kalinich, NATO, 2005 http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil/www/outreach/ pdf/mcclain_NATO_2005.pdf

[46]. Memorandum to: Brigadier General L. R. Groves From: Drs. Conant, Compton, and Urey Midfully.org/War Department, United States Engineer Office, Manhattan District, Oak Ridge Tennessee, 10/30/1943 http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/Groves- Memo-Manhattan30oct43.htm

[47]. Abstract: Comparative study of the acute lung toxicity of pure cobalt powder and cobalt-tungsten carbide mixture in rat Lasfargues G., et al, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1992 http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt =5201679

[48]. Evaluation of the role of reactive oxygen species in the interactive toxicity of carbide-cobalt mixtures on macrophages in culture D. Lison and R. Lauwerys, SpringerLink//Archives of Toxicology, 6/1/1993 http://www.springerlink.com/content/ k2u94u07558q6224/

[49]. Gaza doctors say patients suffering mystery injuries after Israeli attacks By Rory McCarthy, The Guardian, 10/18/2006 http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/ 0,,1924675,00.html

[50]. Israel used chemical weapons in Lebanon and Gaza By Jean Shaoul, Centre for Research on Globalization/wsws.org, 10/24/2006 http://wsws.org/articles/2006/oct2006/ isra-o24.shtml

[51]. Abstract: Potential late health effects of depleted uranium and tungsten used in armor-piercing munitions: comparison of neoplastic transformation and genotoxicity with the known carcinogen nickel Miller, AC, et al, PubMed, 11/26/2006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query. fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_ uids=11873492&dopt=Abstract

[52]. Neoplastic transformation of human osteoblast cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by heavy metal–tungsten alloy particles: induction of genotoxic effects Miller, AC, et al Carcinogenesis, Vol. 22, No. 1, 115-125, January 2001, Oxford University Press http://carcin.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/ full/22/1/115

[53]. Abstract: Carcinogenic Potential of Depleted Uranium and Tungsten Alloys Alexandra C Miller, Ph. D., Department Of Defense, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) http://www.deploymentlink.osd.mil/du_ library/reports/projects/dod122.htm

[54]. Depleted uranium-catalyzed oxidative DNA damage: absence of significant alpha particle decay Miller, AC, et al, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Issue 91, 2002 pp. 246– 252 http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil/www/outreach/ pdf/tungsten_cancer.pdf

[55]. Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomyosarcomas in F344 Rats Kalinich et al, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 6, June 2005 http://www.ehponline.org/members/2005/ 7791/7791.html

[56]. Abstract: Effect of the militarily-relevant heavy metals, depleted uranium and heavy metal tungsten-alloy on gene expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) By Miller, AC, et al, SpringerLink/Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 1/1/2004 http://www.springerlink.com/content/ u8830115617471jl/

[57]. Preconceptional paternal exposure to radiation or heavy metals like cadmium can induce cancer in unexposed offspring By Alexandra C. Miller, Rafael Rivas, Robert J. Merlot and Paul, Carcinogenesis 5: Environmental and Endogenous Carcinogens/Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res, Volume 47, 2006 http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org/cgi/ content/abstract/2006/1/448-b [58]. Cancer Worries for New U.S. Bombs DefenseTech.org, 5/20/2006 http://www.defensetech.org/archives/ 002434.html

[59]. Depleted Uranium and US-Israeli Bombs By Dr. Doug Rokke, PhD, Media Lens, 7/24/2006 http://members5.boardhost.com/medialens/ msg/1153759483.html

[60]. Dirty Weapons – Casualties From Iraq War Will Mount By Chalmers Johnson, Pacific News Service, 5/3/2003 http://news.pacificnews.org/news/view _article.html?article_id=84a8df02a7c1f37 0c5ca152d5ef14d6b

[61]. Uranium Radiation Levels in Afghanistan Not Attributable to Depleted Uranium Centre for Research on Globalization – Middle East, 6/5/2003 http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/ UMR306B.html

[62]. Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi, Centre for Research on Globalization – Middle East, 8/31/2006 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=viewArticle&code= AL-20060831&articleId=3116

[63]. Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons Lingers as Health Concern By Larry Johnson, Common Dreams, 8/4/2003 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines 03/0804-04.htm

[64]. Further Evidence Of Enriched Uranium In The Air In Lebanon Following The Recent Conflict Stop Uranium Wars/Pandora DU research Project, 11/22/2006 http://www.stopuraniumwars.blogspot.com/

[65]. Mystery of Israel’s secret uranium bomb By Robert Fisk, The Independent, 10/28/2006 http://news.independent.co.uk/world/fisk/ article1935945.ece

[66]. The Real Dirty Bombs: Depleted Uranium By Christopher Bollyn, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 8/6/2004 http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2004/ 08/06_bollyn_real-dirty-bombs.htm

[67]. Depleted Uranium Australian Peace Committee, 12/2/2006 http://www.peacecourier.com/depleted_ uranium.htm

[68]. Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign http://www.vn-agentorange.org/

[69]. Agent Orange DNA injury confirmed in Vietnam veterans By Patrick Gower, New Zealand Herald, 7/29/2006 http://subs.nzherald.co.nz/feature/story. cfm?c_id=500855&objectid=10393538

[70]. Memorandum to: Brigadier General L. R. Groves From: Drs. Conant, Compton, and Urey Midfully.org/War Department, United States Engineer Office, Manhattan District, Oak Ridge Tennessee, 10/30/1943 http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/ Groves-Memo-Manhattan30oct43.htm

[71]. The Israeli Poison Gas Attacks James Brooks, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel http://www.vtjp.org/report/

[72]. CBU-97 Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBU-97

[73]. Textron Systems’ Sensor Fuzed Weapon Production to Include Maritime Capability Textron Systems Corporation, 8/10/2006 http://www.systems.textron.com/mainframe /pressroom/archives/2006/08_10_06.html

[74]. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons… United Nations: International Law, 10/10/1980 http://www.un.org/millennium/law/xxvi- 18-19.htm

Palestine Monitor – Starve Them; Shoot Them; (…).

Israel’s History of Chemical Weapons Use

09/17/2013| Sabbah Report | Dr. Elias Akleh

The UN inspectors, who went to Syria to investigate the use of , should have stopped on their way at Occupied Palestine (), where Israeli government has the largest stockpile of chemical and other WMD in the entire . They would have found a lot of evidence and witness accounts of Israeli use of chemical, as well as biological and nuclear, weapons against the and their Arab neighbors. The attacks started in May 1948 and are still going on in one form or another.

The gangs under the directive and leadership of , who became the first Israeli Prime Minister, had adopted a military policy of , extermination and total destruction of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants and their towns in order to evacuate the land for outsider Zionist occupiers. The first WMD they used was biological weapons as documented by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Israels History of Chemical Weapons UseIn May 1948 the Zionist gangs besieged the well-fortified Palestinian city of Acre, which could stand the siege for a long time. The city water supply came from a nearby village name Kabri through an aqueduct. To shorten the siege and to enter the city, the Zionist gangs injected typhoid in the aqueduct.  Many Palestinians and some 55 British soldiers, who were in the city, got infected. This crime was called operation “Shlach Lachmecha” as described by the Israeli military historian Urin Milstein [Wendy Barnaby’s “The Plague Makers: The Secret World of Biological Warfare”, London, Vision Paperbacks, 1997, pp 114-116]

The ICRC delegate Mr. De Meuron, sent a series of reports under the reference of G59/1/GC, G3/82, from 6th to about 19th of May 1948 describing the conditions of the city population as struck by a sudden typhoid epidemic and requested efforts to combat it. The minutes of an emergency meeting between Mr. De Meuron and the British Medical Services officers stated that the infection was “water borne”. Burdened by the epidemic the city fell easy prey to the Zionist gangs, who went into a killing spree and a systematic looting campaign as reported by Lieutenant Petite, a French UN observer. He reported the cold-blooded murder of at least 100 Arab civilians, who refused to evacuate the city as ordered by the . Some of them were captured by the Zionist terrorists and were forced at gun point to drink cyanide; the case of Mohamed Fayez Soufi is one example as documented in “The Palestinian Catastrophe” by Michael Palumbo.

This crime of poisoning Acre’s water supply leading to the fall of the city, the forceful evacuation of its inhabitants, and the looting of its treasures, whetted the appetite of the Zionists to repeat the crime. They tried it again in against the Egyptian forces, but failed. The two Zionist infiltrators, who were sent on this mission, were captured by the Egyptians. The following cable was sent from the commander of the Egyptian Forces in Palestine to the General Headquarters in Cairo:

“15.20 hrs, 24 May [1948]. Our Intelligence forces captured two , David Horeen and David Mizrahi, loitering around army positions.  They were interrogated and confessed they had been sent by officer Moshe to poison the army [and the peoples’] water supply.  They carried with them water bottles divided in the middle.  The top part has potable water and the bottom part has a liquid contaminated with typhoid and dysentery, equipped with a rear opening from which the liquid can be released.  They confessed they were members of the 20-strong team sent from Rehovot for the same purpose.  Both have written their confession in Hebrew and signed it. We have taken the necessary medical precautions.”

In his book “War Diary” Ben Gurion confirmed the attack in an entry found on 27th of May 1948 where he stated: “[Chief of Staff Yigal Yadin] picked up a cable from Gaza saying they captured Jews carrying malaria gems and gave instructions not to drink water.” The Israeli author Yeruham Cohen wrote more about this cable in his book “In Daylight and Night Darkness”; Tel Aviv, 1969, pp66-68 (in Hebrew). The two Zionist agents; Horeen and Mizrahi, broke out of prison but were captured again and executed.

The Zionist crimes did not stop then, but targeted Egypt and Syria. On 22nd of July 1948 the [Palestinian] Higher Arab Committee (AHC) submitted a 13-page report to the UN accusing the Jews (the term Israelis was not used then) of using “inhumane” weapons and waging a genocidal war against the through the use of bacteria and germs. The report accused the Jews of spreading Cholera in Egypt and Syria in 1947/48. The award-winning journalist, Thomas J. Hamilton of the New York Times picked up the story and published it on 24th of July 1948.

During the summer of 1947 the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) was sent to Palestine and its neighboring Arab states proposing the partition of Palestine giving about 54% of the land to new Jewish immigrants who controlled only 6% of Palestine. Their proposition was met with fierce opposition from the only two strong Arab countries; Egypt and Syria, recently freed from the French Mandate. Syria was the center of Arab resistance to foreign of any Arab country. Syria has established training centers in Qatana to prepare Arab volunteers to join the Arab Rescue Army in Palestine. Egypt and Syria, thus, became the main targets of Zionist gangs.

In his 220-page continually updated report under the title “Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents since 1900” Dr. W. Seth Carus of the Center for Counter Proliferation Research, National Defense University, Washington, DC, lists the following subtitle p. 87: “Case 1947-01: Zionist Terrorists 1947-1948.” He mentioned that the cholera outbreaks in Egypt and Syria had received extensive attention in the press. The first report about the cholera in Egypt was published in the Times of London on 26th September 1947 p.4. By the time the final cases appeared in January 1948 about 10,262 people had died.

The cholera outbreak in Syria was first reported by the New York Times on 22nd of December 1947 p. 5, but was limited to only two towns, Carus stated. The Syrian army formed a cordon sanitaire and the casualties were limited to 44 including 18 deaths. Soon after, the Orient; a Lebanese French-language newspaper reported that several Zionist agents, who employed the cholera germs to disrupt the mobilization of the volunteers army were arrested.

Assi, the son of Israeli General Moshe Dayan, wrote in his memoir published in Yediot that during the war his father brought home tubes containing typhus. He explained that the intent was to drop these tubes into the water supply of the Jordanian Legion. Before the plan was implemented one of the tubes broke and Assi got infected.

Naeim Giladi is an Iraqi Jew, who was lured to Israel by agents in early 1950s. He was a zealot Zionist, who later on left Israel after discovering its and immigrated to the US. He told the editor of The Link in New York that he discovered that within the Israeli establishment “there was not much opportunity for those of us who were second class citizens. I began to find out about the barbaric methods to rid the fledgling state of as many Palestinians as possible.  The world recoils today at the thought of bacteriological warfare, but Israel was probably the first to actually use it in the Middle East. Jewish forces would empty Arab villages of their population often by threats, sometimes by gunning down a half-dozen young men so that the Arabs could not return. The Israelis put typhus and dysentery bacteria in the water wells to prevent the refugees from returning.” [The Link, Vol. 31 Issue 2, April-May 1998]

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, a senior member at the Center for International and Security Studies, and the Program on Security and Disarmaments at the University of Maryland, wrote a comprehensive paper on Israel’s chemical and biological weapons. His paper titled “Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control” was published in the Non-Proliferation Review in autumn of 2001.

Cohen stated that Israel’s chemical weapon started with David Ben Gurion’s doctrine: “the destruction of the Palestinian society in Palestine is a necessary condition for the establishment of the state of Israel on its ruins. If Palestinians cannot be removed by massacres and expulsion, they shall be removed by extermination.” To accomplish this extermination Ben Gurion wrote a letter to Ehud Avriel; a member in the Jewish Agency in Europe, ordering him to recruit East European Jewish scientists, who could “either increase capacity to kill masses or to cure masses; both are important.” Experts in microbiology such as Ernst David Bergmann, Avraham Marcus Klingberg and the brothers Aharon and Ephraim Katachalsky, were recruited to form the Science Corps in the which later was named HEMED. Later a new branch within HEMED, devoted to biological weapons was formed and called HEMED BEIT. This branch is publically known as Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) and it expropriated the mansion of Shukri Al Taji; a Palestinian, near the settlement of Nes Ziona as its research center.

For years the IIBR center was developing chemical and biological weapons in secret until 4th October of 1992 when El Al Flight 1862 crashed into a high-rise apartment complex in Bijlmer, while on its way to Tel Aviv carrying three crewmen, one passenger and 114 tons of freight. The crash was considered the worst air disaster in Dutch history killing at least 47 and destroying the health of 3000 Dutch residents. Cases of mysterious illnesses, rashes, difficulty in breathing, nervous disorders and began to sprout in that neighborhood. After several years of deep investigation Karel Knip, the science editor in the Dutch daily NRC Handelsbland, published in November 1999 the most detailed and factual report about the workings of the IIBR.

Israels History of Chemical Weapons Use

Israeli IIBR

Knip revealed that the plane was carrying a shipment from Sokatronic Chemicals of Morrisville, Pennsylvania to IIBR, under the US Department of Commerce license, in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Among the shipment there were 50 gallons of DMMP; a substance used to make a quarter ton of the deadly nerve gas Sarin, 20 times as lethal as cyanide. He discovered that at least 140 biological weapon scientists from the IIBR have strong links with Walter Reed Army Institute, the Uniformed Services University, the American Chemical and Biological Weapons Center in Edgewood and the University of Utah. He also discovered close cooperation between IIBR and the British-American biological weapons programme, as well as extensive collaboration on biological weapon research with Germany and Holland, which explains the reason for the Dutch officials keeping silence over the crash over Amsterdam.

The numbers and details of the Israeli chemical and biological attacks against Palestinians are many and require large volumes to document. During the Palestinian the Palestinian youths were used as test subjects for new chemical weapons; toxins and incapacitants. James Brooks of “Just Peace in Palestine/Israel” gave detailed accounts of these attacks on civilians day by day as they happened; describing the severe convulsions, the burning sensation, the difficulty to breathe, the vomiting and pain the victims of these attacks had suffered. The documentary “Gaza Strip”, shot by the American filmmaker James Longley, documents Israel’s use of chemical weapons on Gaza residents.  Such attacks were repeated in the West Bank cities of and Nablus. Dr. Khamis Al-Najjar, the director of Cancer Research Center of the Ministry of Health in Ramallah, Palestine, highlighted in his February 3rd. 2003 report an alarming increase in cancer cases, especially among women and children. The report covers the period between 1995-2000 and shows 3,646 cases, mostly women.

Gaza Strip documentary by James Longley:

Video link: http://youtu.be/qjRLPijVg44

Israel’s continuous use of chemical/biological weapons against Palestinians was most prominent in March 2001,  October 2003, and June 2004 as investigated by these reports. Israel also used poison gas attacks against unarmed Palestinian civilians in Gaza in February 2001 as documented here.  Israeli Mossad agents had also used chemical weapons in their attacks against Palestinian leaders such as Leader Khaled Mesh’al, and Mahmoud al-Mabhouh,  and are highly suspected of using nuclear poison in assassinating .

The whole world knows very well that Israel has been manufacturing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and has the largest stockpile of these WMD in the Middle Eastern region. In March 2003 the BBC television presented the documentary “Israel’s Secret Weapon” investigating Israel’s development of chemical/biological/nuclear (CBN) weapons.

BBC – Israel’s Secret Weapon (full):

Video link: http://youtu.be/z6Aq24Q2xXc

The successive American administrations are very well familiar with Israel’s CBN weapons. The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment titled “Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Assessing the Risk” [PDF], pages 63-65, records Israel as a country possessing an offensive biological warfare capability and a long-term, undeclared biological warfare program. In 1983 The CIA produced a special report on Israel’s weapons program, but deleted this page dealing with the chemical weapons.

With Syria giving up its chemical weapons, now is the perfect opportunity to enforce the chemical weapons convention on all the countries in the region, including Israel, to free it from this WMD. Contrary to what said, the convention does not specifically refer to just the use of chemical weapons, but also to its production and storage.

Will Obama, the peace-prize winner, prove that “the United States has been the anchor of global security … for nearly seven decades” as he claimed in his speech and demonstrate that the are really “exceptional” as he boosted, or will he turn a blind eye to the Israeli criminal chemical attacks and the largest stockpile of WMD, like his many predecessors???

Article by Dr. Elias Akleh | © Sabbah Report: http://sabbah.biz/mt/?p=17137

  • Sept 2013 | ‘s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons Threaten World Peace – Stephen Lendman
  • June 14, 2012 | Study: Drone Warfare | PNN
  • June 14, 2012 |Bulldozers used as weapons, says S.A. picketers for peace | We Divest
  • May 17, 2011 | Pro-Peace, Pro-Justice Billboards iCall for End to US Military Aid to Israel | Report
  • May 4, 2011 | Israeli Army: We use Gaza military operation to test new weapons | Ahram Online
  • May 1, 2011 | Another price for nonviolent Palestinian resistance: the ‘Skunk’ | Joseph Dana |  –  video
  • Apr 8, 2011 | The IOF used white phosphorus bombs in its latest aggression | Report
  • Jan 22, 2011 | Israel using expired tear gas on Palestinians of East Jerualem (With Pictures) | Silwanic
  • Israel’s lucrative weapons exports depend on how effectively it kills Palestinians | SajePress
  • Israel’s Chemical Weapons – by James Brooks | Antiwar.com
  • Israel’s Use of Chemical Weapons | VTJP
  • White Phosphorous: Israel Uses Chemical Weapons | KABOBfest
  • Israel used chemical weapons in Lebanon and Gaza | Global Research | Oct 24, 2006
  • New and unknown deadly weapons used by Israeli forces, ‘Direct energy’ weapons, chemical and/or biological agents, in a macabre experiment of future warfare | Prof. P. Manduca | Aug 7, 2006
  • Palestinian injuries suggest Israel is using chemical weapons in Gaza | EI| July 11, 2006

In this ongoing atrocities, funded by US Tax payers:

  • How Many Weapons to Israel? – Website
  • Costs of arming Israel can no longer be ignored  – Report
  • US weapons to Israel deter peace  – Report
  • US weapons give-a-way to Israel used to kill 735 Palestinian children in past decade- Report
  • US Weapons to Israel Are Disincentives to Peace – Report
  • Checkpoint Washington – Netanyahu: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily- Report

To learn about the truth behind occupation, the ethnic cleansing and the Nakba – watch these video’s / pictures

  • Cast Lead War on Gaza | The Wounded | Photography [ graphic]
  • Occupation 101 (Full Movie in 11 Parts) | video
  • Al Nakba | English | The Full Movie | video

About Ethnic Cleansing “Policies”

  • Map of “Greater Israel” Published by Radical Settler Movement – Article
  • All Israeli Massacres on Palestinians – Overview
  • Map of already ethnically cleansed, destroyed and excisting Arab Villages – Map
  • Current West Bank and Jerusalem – Peace Now – Map – 2011
  • Ethnic Cleansing| Special Topic

Weapons & Health effects

  • Israel’s widespread use of depleted uranium causes growing cancer (+ 30%) problem in Gaza – Report – Mar 14, 2011
  • Eyes (of Doctors) in Gaza –  by Dr. Mads Gilbert & Prof.Dr. Erik Fosse – Report



About Hasbara

Last but not Least

Supported by… AIPAC

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Treason by Members of the United States Congress

Funded by….

And all those supporting it paying for this…

Last but not least….

Or listen to Jewish mankind with a real conscience

Don’t think it’s about “Arabs” or “Islam”… we are all Goyim!

What is hidden even more

These lists, do not display the avoidable mortality. A clear and statistical factual evidence, about the number of deaths due to indecent ruling by occupation forces. For even an occupier has obligations under International Laws, Geneva Convention and the Hague regulations, which it is neglecting. These circumstances, together with deliberate policies of the occupier to neglect and even deny every basic human right, severes avoidable mortality which is totally silenced by media or reporting organisations. While in the Holocaust, 1 on 6 Jewish people directly died of deliberate neglect, so if we believe the facts over 1 million due to avoidable mortality, neither should these same circumstances be ignores which are ongoing in Palestine. For this report displays a avoidable morality of at least 0,5 million Palestinians.

How many more dead corpses of Palestinians does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all?

The Rockets from Gaza Excuse

The Facts
So you only read melodramatic stories about home made unguided firecrackers flying from Gaza, zionism magnifying the flares untill the average ignorant thinks we’re talking 12 meter high nuclear head detonation (chemical nuclear or toxic) loaded warhead carrrying long range missiles.

While in fact, the “TENS OF THOUSANDS ROCKETS” which are allegedly “launched” by Gaza are non detonating, non guided and seldom hit any target at all regarding the alleged number of “rockets” we can easily state it is more a matter of high unlikely a Gaza rocket hits anything at all even more unlikely the chances it will kill.

Total Deaths from Qassams and mortars within Israel as from 2001 according to the “Israel Project”: 21 Israeli in 10 years

(Source was removed half 2013 by the IsraelProject from the internet after being maintained there for years, below the cached most recent version as found on the internet – Click to see the full size image)

Click to view the full size image

Click to view the full size image

So let’s behold, the tens of thousands rockets which allegedly were launched: They killed 21 people if internationals counted as well, including Palestinians 29. 29 death from 10′s of thousands of rockets in 10 years, and 29 too many too.

Let’s also behold the facts of the most deadly ‘force’ of “Israel’s defense forces”: Suicides

They finally admit: Israeli army deadlier than Palestinians. 124 Israeli soldiers commit suicide in last 6 years

To retaliate these deaths Israel commits the following attacks (kindly notice, all related posts are covered by media, reports and international organisations:

The Counterfacts

Gaza Under Israeli Attacks – Timeline Military Operations on Gaza
For all attacks all over Palestine check the Category → Attacks
For all attacks and violation of Law and crimes against → Children
For all attacks commited by (Illegal Colonists) → Settler Violence
For all attacks on Gaza’s Fishermen at sea → Fishing Under Fire
For all attacks on Press to prevent u see Truth → Attack on Press
For all assassinations by Israel → Assassinations
For all kidnap attacks by Israel → Kidnapping & Abductions
For all unlawfull incursion attacks by Israel → Incursions
For all massacres by Israel → Massacres & Genocide

So you did read in worldwide newspapers and media about a home made flare or “flying” from Gaza towards the occupied desert?

But you never read about the DAILY attacks by army, airforce, navy, police, intelligence, undercover agents AND settlers which happen on land from the air and from and on the sea in Gaza as well as in the West Bank? The tens of thousands rockets from Gaza killed as said 29 people inside occupied territories in 10 years.

Aside 10′s of Thousands rockets did hit 29 people they only hit The Israeli Qassam Rocket counter and Israeli (influenced media which is 96% of worlds media)

Your media did not cover it:
Israel detonated the 1st bomb ever in the diaspora & introduced terrorism: Learn a/ Menachim Begin

Neither about the fight of Real Judaism against Zionism which older than Israel itself, read the
130 Year record of jewish opposition against zionism

Even Einstein warned for it. Real Smart Jewish people know and knew
Einstein’s Letter Warning Of Zionism/Facism In Israel

For the sceptics: It was published in the New York Times
Original scans from microfilm of NYT Dec 4, 1948

Einstein’s letter to the Stern terror gang when it solicitated him to raise fund in the US

But #US is keeping the facts from the people, serving Israel and silencing while The power of lies, deceptions and disinformation as Americans pay the price of collective stupidity which is funneled up by their gov’t. Silencing the facts the giv’t knows too well:
The Facts US is aware of and hiding for you

But Checkpoint Washington is like Bibi explains
Netanyahu: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily’

Now we behold the real cost of human lives which has 2 sides

  • Deaths due violent attack
  • Deathd due to passive aggression (so called avoidable mortality)

This year 2011, Israel killed 239 people with direct violence
Siince the year 2000, Israel killed 1472 children
This year only, Israel killed, in Gaza only: 19 children, wounded 200 by shelling | Report

Deaths at Checkpoints
You only hear of death or possible death at a checkpoint, when a pregnant American reporter get’s forced 3 times after eachother to go through the X-Ray at a checkpoint.
Only than, media makes a little noise about possible (!) danger for the foetus. 18.000 women a year develop complications due to this policies and 35 children have died since start of monitoring of the effects of obstruction or entrance to medical aid

Avoidable Death of Pregnant women & their Unborn at Israeli Checkpoints – incl video
71 Palestinian Women Forced to Labor at Checkpoints-Israelis Deny Women Access to Hospitals, Clinics

Obstruction to medical aid or infringement of aid cost many lives in Palestine:
B’tselem Report | Death due to infringement on humanright of medical care: 2000 -2011

(This list only displays the direct reported effects of death by policies or denial to healthcare, while te real avoidable mortality rate due to deliberate deprivation of basic needs is much higher.)

For a comparision: During the Holocaust 1 in 6 Jewish people died due to deliberate deprivation of Nazi policies, causing death of 1 million Jewish people. A warcrime. Remembered every year. And this is justified to remember people which are slain in the awful Nazi war

Aside from the number of deaths in Palestine, it is widely silenced that Israel not only in Palestine cause many deaths, but also in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and beyond.

From 1967-2005 0,5 Million Palestinians died due to all other factors causing avoidable mortality or so called excess death

If you have no idea about the effects of deprivation meet Baby Firas:
Baby Firas – video

Or read about the effects of cuts of electricity for example for patients in need of dialysis:
Since 2007, 67 patients in need of dialysis or other treatment unavailable in Gaza have died

While International Law states:

Geneva Convention

Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly establish that Israel, as the occupying power, not only has a duty to ensure medical supplies reach hospitals in the OPT, but to ensure and maintain the services of the hospitals too. As High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions, other states not only have a moral duty but also a legal obligation to ensure Israel abides by its commitments to the protected population of the OPT.

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

As a States Party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Israel is obliged under Article 24 of the treaty to recognise the right of every child under its effective jurisdiction “to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services”.

In deliberate deprivation for Israel is refusing to lend a permit for repairs, supplies or denies entry of fuel:
Murder by denying repairs or materials to arrange basic life sustaining needs

That is is deliberate targeted to Palestinians may be proven by the fact that Israel donates streetlights to African countries to prevent traffic deaths, but demolishes ‘Imneizils (by Spain funded) solar systems which also provide the hospital, schools and the whole village of basic electricity needs:
If Israel would be able to “turn off” the sun above #Palestine, It would” ~ in pictures

Israel floods dams deliberately in Gaza, or deprives Gaza of repair materials for the aquifier (which also not works without power by the way) Causing only 5% of the water is fit to drink.
A fact which is known by world authorities on WHO since 2006.
Water-borne diseases cause 26 %of Illnesses

But Israel has become exactly as those it feared and hated once themselves. Than it accused beginning of December 2011 Ireland for being the most hostile country in the EU, because it compared Israeli soldiers to Nazis. You make the comparision. Judge for yourself:
HaShoah versus Al Nakba – in pictures

Or worse, it even kills life before it is born and “shows off” zionism proudly, the trophy pictures Israel does not want you to see:
The New Abu Ghraib – Israel’s own “Trophy Pictures” – in pictures

Israel is laying an illegal siege on Gaza, and even has
Policies to near starvation which it tried to prevent from leaking out

Forcing people (like in many wars) to smuggle:
Since 2006 over 160 Palestinians have died in tunnels

We need not to discuss assassinations are deliberate caused deaths:

To create the “State of Israel” about 77 massacres were committed: Here’s a list:
All Israeli Massacres – in Palestine only

And the genocide still goes on every day without your media covering it:
Daily updated list of Massacred Palestinians

Silence about the
Oct- Nov 2011 massacre on Gaza

Media silences
The Aug 2011 in Gaza massacre and no government condemned it

Retaliation 4 something it NEVER DID
Israel hiding evidence

Only during Cast Lead war in Gaza, Israel kiled
Over 1500 of which over 352 children in just 22 days time from dec 2008-jan 2009
The Names of the 352 Children slained by Israel in 22 days

Israel having cruel policies when not kill, to invalidate, the Rabin Herecy since the First Intifada: The Breaking Bones policy:
Literally breaking the law (and bones) with their own hands – video

Deliberate extermination by neglect:
Slow death’ [is] the Israeli system for exterminating prisoners

More than 200 Palestinians died in Israeli prisons due to the illegal Israeli policies of medical negligence since Israel occupied the rest of Palestine in 1967.
Several Palestinians were shot and killed by the arresting soldiers and officers.

Since the beginning of the Occupation in 1967, over 750,000 Palestinians have been arrested by Israel. Almost 95% of them have been subjected to some form of torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Since 1967, over 105 documented torture techniques have been used by Israel. At least 66 Palestinians have been tortured to death.

Israel itself adopted by enactment in March 2011 a mine clearance law, but only valid as it seems for Israeli grounds, for Golan is still paved and remaing 1 million personell mines stay in the soil of Palestinian occupied teritories
Those mines costed only for example in Golan (by Israel occupied Syria) 16 deaths
Many more deaths Israel caused by the left behind in for example Lebanon

Unexploded ordinances, also are a common (!) danger throughout Palestine, where daily invasions of Israeli forces often result in explosives, ordinances and tank shells that are (deliberately) left behind.
It is often children who are the victims of these unexploded ordinances, as they are naturally curious and drawn to the strange objects left by the army.

Not to forget, the kind of weapons Israel uses: US funded White Phosphorus, GBU-39 Bunker Busters with 75kg depleted uranium each, DIME, toxic, and other chemical warfare like CS gas (which last killed the first protester of this year 2011 Jawaher Abu Rahma on Jan 1 2011)
Special Topic: Israel’s Weapons a Crime on Humanity
More footage of Israel’s arsenal of weaponry

As you can read in the previous post these weapons not only kill instantly but also have long term risk effects for health, can cause diseases and/or death in the end. (even in Egypt and Israel itsaelf)

Only(!) during the war 2008-2009, Gaza police have put the weight of weapons dropped on the Strip by Israel during the war two years ago at over 3000 tons.

Tahseen Saad, head of the police force’s explosives engineering unit, indicated that a lot of the weapons used were illegal under international law. Occupation forces used different types of bombs with the most significant ones weighing between 150 – 500 Kg. Most controversial weapons were/are used including white phosphorous bombs which are illegal to use in populated areas.

Furtheron Israel used an assortment of missiles, such as anti-tank guided missiles, against civilians and their vehicles. Israeli army used bombs that dispersed red smoke made up of explosives and tungsten. When the bomb is dropped it sprayed a liquid which creates fog and in less than a second it disappears and the bomb explodes.

Reminder that Israel also murders people in Gaza by remote control: Israel’s video game killing technology . These drones which fly 24/7 365 days a year over Gaza/West Bank as well for several purposes like espionage,
Remote killing technology & surveillance but also precise and remote “liquidation”

The effect of the weapons is not limited to killing. Weapons containing materials that are forbidden under international accords, such as phosphorous, tungsten and uranium, spread cancer in the targeted population, destroy nature and cause terrible burns and amputations. Some of the consequences, like foetal abnormalities, are not immediately apparent.

So next time you see Israel telling, they had another rocket “attack” remember it has the most advanced Iron Dome system which indeed intercepts missiles if there are any REAL ones.

Remember also. Gaza… does have no dome at all. No iron dome, and no dome of Human Rights. It is indiscriminately bombed by F16′s, surveilled and attacked by drones, shelled by tanks, shelled & bombed by navy ships, from coast or at sea, and invasions on the land occur almost daily.
All the above is just a fraction of aggression regarding to the presumptions about the so called waves of rockets from Gaza and to put this into a more realistic perspective.

This is by no means a complete overview and this list can be made exhausting if we go name all passive and direct aggression, oppression in any way imaginable which Israel or it’s settlers impose on Palestinians.

The Right to Self-Defense of Palestine

For who does still not understand the (need or concept of) resistance of Palestine recommended read:
The Eagle of Palestine

The Palestinian Right of Self-Defense against this disproportional power and agression of ” Israel”
Palestinian right to fight occupation not only moral, but legal as well ~ by @myaguarnieri

The average civilian in Palestine has no more of self defense than a stone he or she can throw.
24 Years ago Palestinians massively engaged in civil disobedience and we’re heavily suppressed, which happens even today. Even last friday a unarmed civilian protester Mustafa Tamimi was murdered by the Israeli army. There is still not even evidence he even had a stone.

Overview ▶ With surgical precision Israel shot Mustafa Tamimi & deliberately delayed aid. He died. – pictures & videos

And remember

The First Intifada | انتفاضة – in pictures
24 Years later Palestinians living under occupation for 64 years now, still only have a stone, and some flares while the daily disproportional violence and aggression of the occupier, the collective punishment and the daily oppression and exiling is influencing 11 Million Lives in Palestine but most still outside, unable to return to their home.

While International Law – Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

UDHR Art 13(1)
“Everyone has the right 2 freedom of movement & residence within the borders of each state”

UDHR Art 13(2)
” Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”

UDHR 17:(2)
“No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”

UDHR 20(1)
“Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.”

UDHR 20(2)
“No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”

UDHR Art 9:
“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile”

UDHR Art 5:
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

UDHR Art 3:
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person

UDHR 15:1
“Everyone has the right to a nationality”

All of the Human Rights above, are not valid in Palestine. Just because Israel unilateral decided Palestinians have no rights at all, of no kind at all. Even when this means they pretend to be a Jewish state, violating not even international law, regulations, but also every divine law.

Something to ponder about…
For who not sees or who’s eyes are still closes. IOA has become exactly and even worse than those, they feared and hated once themselves. Using the same atrocities, policies to oppress, ethnically cleanse and eradicate human beings. Creating a new Shoah (Holocaust) for the Palestinians in 1948 with Al Nakba, and sustaining it by hasbara and the world’s ignorance or at least those not using their own mind to reconsider the realistic facts. So Hasbara in 16 words explained:

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it…”
~ Joseph Goebbels

…will be updated of course with related news or relevant counter “cyber truth ammo”. Stay Human, stay safe and Free Palestine!

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And read… how zionists think to hide all of this:

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute.

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