#PalestineUnderAttack | Israeli settler gangs led by fanatic Yehuda Glick defile al-Aqsa Mosque

[ PIC 19/08/2014 – 09:27 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A flock of Israeli settler gangs, led by fanatic rabbi Yehuda Glick and escorted by dozens of Israeli occupation police, vandalized holy al-Aqsa Mosque early Tuesday morning.

Eye-witnesses said the occupation police officers, cordoning off al-Aqsa gates, have come down heavily on the peaceful Palestinian congregation who were maintaining vigil inside the mosque and performing their religious prayers within.

A series of tight restrictions were imposed by the Israeli police forces against the Muslim worshippers and stepped up most notably during the settler break-ins.

Palestinian youngsters have been denied access into the mosque while several others had their IDs confiscated by the Israeli police in flagrant violation of the Palestinians’ religious freedom.

Ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian & Islamic identity

Al Quds, Jerusalem is the main target of the ethnic cleansing to turn the city of “Jerusalem” into the City of David.

Palestinian families evicted, house demolitions, Arab neighbourhoods totally besieged by Jewish settlements, construction of the tramway of apartheid, excavations under the Al Aqsa mosque…

Ethnic cleansing in the heart of Al-Quds: Silwan

silwanicSilwan, the epic center of ethnic cleansing. Zionist polishing up of facades for the sake of tourism.

Houses are being confiscated. Demolished, Or Palestinians even forced to demolish them with their own hands.

Palestinian Jerusalemites to “expire” as policies to ethnic cleanse Jerusalem even affect the validity of their ID’s for only 10 years settling a count down on the Judaization.

Children, are being targeted, kidnapped and abused by zionist forces every day.

Read all about Silwan in the topic: Silwan: No Legend Yet

To read, what is really going on in Jerusalem and what is silenced by mainstream media: Read or download the BrochureThe Story behind the Tourism Site” by Silwanic. Straight from the heart of the occupied and divided city of Al-Quds

Even the death are not safe

For Israel’s “Tolerance” – Ethnical cleansing of Cemeteries

Israel  plans to build a museum on the site of a centuries-old Muslim cemetery not far from Jerusalem’s historic Old City. In general, more Islamic and Christian cemeteries are being ‘cleaned out’ to make room for apartments, musea, and parking lot.

Aside from cleaning out graves, Israel installs fake graves to occupy lands stolen from Palestinians: recently again. Over 50 fake graves have been dug and facades set up as an excuse to legitimate the sickening move. Read more at “When Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of the Living is Not Enough

Israel, not only ethnic cleansing Al Quds, but the whole of Palestine

Israel not looking for peace facts storify palestine greater israelIsrael is not looking for peace or coexistence at all. It has only one mission, to achieve the zionist plan of a Greater Israel as published by a radical settler group and it’s working towards this every single day by all means possible to ethnic cleanse Palestine of it’s native people.

After the 1948 Nakba and expulsion of 800.000 people, of which 100.000 Christians, the process of ethnic cleansing continues with every policy imaginable and an Israel which puts itself above literally every  (international) Law, Convention, Treaty and violates all rights of an nation under occupation to which it has obligations as well as stated in the 1907 Hague Regulations and 4th Geneva Convention.

While the world silences. Read more at the continuously updated storyIsrael, Not looking for peace, nor talks but this: The Greater Israel

Why Orthodox Jews are opposed to a zionist state

Zionism is not of Judaism. Let the truth be declared. The use of the Name “ISRAEL” by that State is a complete falsification. The People of Israel have nothing to do with that State. Zionism and its State have no share and no part in the true ISRAEL.

Read more at Neturei Karta Website

True Torah Jews opposed Zionism for more than 130 years.

Neturei-Karta is the Aramaic term for “Guardians of the City. The name Neturei-Karta originates from an incident in which R. Yehudah Ha-Nassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) sent R. Hiyya and R. Ashi on a pastoral tour of inspection. In one town they asked to see the “guardians of the city” and the city guard was paraded before them.

They said that these were not the guardians of the city but its destroyers, which prompted the citizens to ask who, then, could be considered the guardians. The rabbis answered, “The scribes and the scholars,” referring them to Tehillim (Psalms) Chap. 127. (Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Hagiga. 76c).

The name was given to a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem who refused (and still refuse) to recognize the existence or authority of the so-called “State of Israel” and made (and still make) a point of publicly demonstrating their position, the position of the Torah and authentic unadulterated Judaism.

So the rabbis speak out. Judaism is fighting zionism long before any establishment of the “State of Israel” itself. 130 years. Read, the 130 year long religious record of the Rabbis for Real Judaism.

Al-Aqsa under daily threats, attacks & excavations

  • All posts about Al-Aqsa Mosque on this blog  Category
  • Ethnic Cleansing of Jerusalem – by occpal
  • Israel’s Likud invasions in Al-Aqsa MosqueOverview
  • More Information about Al-Aqsa Under Threats (PDF)

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