Bourini: International silence encourages settlers’ assaults

[ 31/12/2010 – 05:42 PM ]


AL-KHALIL, (PIC) Husni al-Bourini, MP for the district of Nablus, expressed concern over the escalation in settlers’ attacks against Palestinians, the latest of which was on Wednesday night when settlers stoned Palestinian cars travelling on the road that links the northern to the central West Bank near the Shilo and Eli settlements.

He said in a written statement on Thursday that the international official silence constitutes a “cover for the settlers’ attacks and helps their repetition,” warning of the dangers the settlers pose to the roads and villages close to the settlements were settlers’ attacks take place daily.

He called on the Fatah authority to play a role in confronting these Zionist excesses by stopping its war against the resistance, so that the resistance could defend the Palestinian people.

Bourini: International silence encourages settlers’ assaults.

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