IOF storms OJ suburb, detains 80 Jerusalemite children in two months

[ 03/03/2011 – 10:04 AM ]


OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces and municipality teams stormed a number of suburbs in Beit Hanina, to the north of occupied Jerusalem, on Wednesday, eyewitnesses reported.

They said that the municipality vehicles escorted by a military unit roamed the suburbs of Ashqariya, Wadi Al-Dam, and Marwaha, without breaking into citizens’ homes.

Citizens said that such tours are usually followed by serving demolition notices at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

They recalled that the municipality recently handed tens of demolition notices including one to the Burj Al-Mara tower and its 22 apartments inhabited by 150 citizens.

Meanwhile, the research and documentation department at the Quds center for social and economic rights said that the Israeli occupation police rounded up 80 Palestinian children since the start of 2011.

The center accused the Israeli occupation authority with escalating its violation of Jerusalemite minors including arrests, harassment, house arrests, and deportation from parents’ homes.

It said that most of those children were beaten and terrorized during and after their detention, adding that half of them were from Silwan town.

The children were questioned over throwing stones at soldiers and settlers, the center said, adding that many of them were subjected to field interrogation.

IOF storms OJ suburb, detains 80 Jerusalemite children in two months.

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