Palestinians mark Day of Land in Spain

PressTV | Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:14AM

A pro-Palestinian protest in Madrid
The Palestinian community has gathered in the Spanish capital city of Madrid to remember the Day of Land, which is commemorated annually to mark Israel’s illegal land grab of the 1976.

The day marks the anniversary of six Palestinian deaths by the Israeli army during a general strike organized against the illegal confiscations of their properties.

“We Palestinians living in Spain have a moral obligation to give strong support to our community and families, and mostly with what happened this week in Palestine. We need to make the Arab uprising an example of what can be achieved when we work together,” Marwan el-Burini, a member of the Palestinian community, told a Press TV correspondent.

Every year in Madrid, the Association of Hispanic-Palestine Community and the Palestinian Embassy demand the rights of Palestinians and an end to the Israeli occupation.

“This kind of initiative is much needed for us to fight for the Palestinian rights. We feel that we are not alone and by being united we could improve the situation of Palestine and one day they can have their own free country,” said Palestinian activist, Manuel Tapial.

During a meeting organized by the Palestinian Association, experts mentioned that recent revolutions taking place throughout the Arab world are making Palestinians more determined to continue their fight for freedom against Israeli occupation.

Israel regularly carries out attacks on Gaza, killing and injuring Palestinians.

Some 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip are being denied their basic rights, including freedom of movement, and their rights to appropriate their living, work, health and educational conditions.

The unemployment rate in the Gaza Strip is at 60 percent, while the poverty rate has reached 80 percent.



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