Released prisoner appeals to PA for medical help

Maan News Agency | June 15, 2012

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A former prisoner on Thursday appealed to President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority to provide medical treatment after he was shot by Israeli forces.

Motaz Muhammad Obeido, 32, says Israeli soldiers shot him at close range with a dumdum bullet, which fragments on impact, on Oct. 11, 2011.

Obeido suffers paralysis in his left leg and ruptures to his stomach and intestine.

Israeli forces detained him and transferred him to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for three months. He was released in January and taken to the Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron.

He told Ma’an that Palestinian doctors said they could not treat him and he needed surgery abroad.

Obeido has been detained four times by Israel and spent five years in an Israeli jail. He has three daughters and says he receives no financial help from the Palestinian Authority.

The International Criminal Court says the use of dumdum bullets constitutes a war crime, and the ammunition was banned for use in wars by the Hague convention in 1899.

Related: Israel’s Weapons a Crime on Humanity

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