Tag Archives: ben white

Boycotts that aid the Palestinians ~ by @Benabyad

Al Jazeera | 16 Aug 2013 13:00 Ben White Ben White is a freelance journalist, writer and activist, specialising in Palestine/Israel. He is a graduate of Cambridge University. Ben White details four main reasons why a boycott on Israeli goods will benefit the Palestinian people. Nearly 93 percent of Palestinians working in the settlements are […]

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Fighting new Nakba in the Negev ~ by Ben White (@benabyad)

Popular resistance against the Prawar plan has united Palestinians of all affiliations and origins. Al Jazeera |  17 Jul 2013 12:35   Ben White is a freelance journalist, writer and activist, specialising in Palestine/Israel. He is a graduate of Cambridge University.     Ben White sees recent Palestinian protests as reminiscent of earlier movements that […]

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Stop the JNF campaign makes steady gains as Israel charity goes “on the retreat” in UK

Asa Winstanley |The Electronic Intifada |London |22 February 2012 A flyer for a JNF fundraiser in the UK. Palestinian activists and their supporters have condemned a recent fundraising campaign by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) as a “greenwashing” cover for ethnic cleansing. The JNF “Green Sunday” fundraiser took place in several countries on 5 February. […]

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Palestinians in Israel – Book Review

Related: Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this… By Ludwig Watzal | Palestine Chronicle | February 6, 2012 (Ben White, Palestinians in Israel. Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy, Pluto Press, London 2012, 128 pp., 13 Pounds.) With the signing of the Oslo Accords that led to the outbreak of the so-called peace process between […]

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Anti-Semitism and Israel contradictions ~ by Ramzy Baroud

Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:33PM GMT |By Ramzy Baroud | PressTV Anti-Zionist Jews set Israel flag ablaze In a recent article, columnist Yaniv Halili has described British author Ben White as ‘anti-Semitic’ and denounced Arab Knesset member Hanin Zoabi for writing a forward to White’s latest book, Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy. Those […]

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Ynet manufactures new threat to promote Ben White (@benabyad) book

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Phan Nguyen on January 24, 2012 | Mondoweiss Israel’s self-delegitimization campaign intensifies as Ynet, the website of Israel’s second largest daily, publishes a news article headlined, “Zoabi Endorses Anti-Semitic Author.” The article, which also appears in print in Hebrew, is a shocking exposé that reveals […]

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This smear against Israeli human rights activists is all too familiar ~ by @benabyad

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Adalah defends Palestinian rights. The European Jewish Congress attack on it reflects a wider pattern of bullying Ben White | guardian.co.uk,  4 January 2012 ‘Adalah is a legal rights centre in Israel that works to promote and defend the rights of Palestinian citizens.’ Photograph: APAimages/Rex […]

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Palestinians in a ‘Jewish state’ ~ by @benabyad

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Palestinians living in Israel face institutionalised discrimination and segregation in a supposedly democratic state. 27 Dec 2011 | Opinion – Al Jazeera English | by Ben White Palestinians who live in Israel, not in the West Bank or Gaza Strip, face daily discrimination [GALLO/GETTY] Israel’s […]

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The Economic WhiteWashing of Political Discrimination against Arabs in Israel ~ by @benabyad

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer speaks during a news conference in Jerusalem 15 November 2011. (Photo: REUTERS – Baz Ratner) By: Ben White | Published Saturday, December 17, 2011 In the last couple of years, there has been a concerted effort by both the […]

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Ben White talks about his new book ‘Palestinians in Israel’ – video

Dec 14, 2011 Author Ben White talks about his new book ‘Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy’ (Pluto Press). Visit the website: http://www.palestiniansinisrael.com Follow Ben at twitter : @benabyad http://www.plutobooks.com

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@benabyad’s New Book: ‘Palestinians in Israel’, with foreword by MK Haneen Zoabi – available for pre-order

October 6, 2011 Description Palestinians in Israel considers a key issue ignored by the official ‘peace process’ and most mainstream commentators: that of the growing Palestinian minority within Israel itself. What the Israeli right-wing calls ‘the demographic problem’ Ben White identifies as ‘the democratic problem’ which goes to the heart of the conflict. Israel defines […]

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How Israel’s left is missing the point

  New Statesman | Ben White | 31 July 2011 A discriminatory law which bans Palestinians from joining spouses within Israel was extended without protest. Israelis march in Tel-Aviv to protest against rising housing prices and social inequalities, 25 July 2011. While Israeli PM Netanyahu’s coalition seems steady, recent events like the response to the […]

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Lies and Israel’s war crimes ~ by Ben White

  Ben White |The Electronic Intifada |28 July 2009 A Palestinian UN worker inspects debris after an Israeli air strike on a UN school in Gaza where civilians were seeking refuge, 17 January 2009. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages) This month marked six months since the “official” conclusion to Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip, “Operation Cast Lead.” […]

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