Tag Archives: continues

8 prisoners continue their hunger strike

[ PIC 13/08/2013 – 03:11 PM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Eight Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails still continued their hunger strike protesting their administrative detention (without trial or charge), human rights sources said. After the Jordanian prisoners suspended their hunger strike, 8 Palestinian prisoners continued the battle including Ayman Hamdan Isa, 106 days on hunger strike, […]

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Suffering of Palestinian refugees in Syria increasing

Live Blog: The Genocide on Palestinian Refugees in Syria Live Blog: Israel Bombs Syria Drah – July 27, 2013 Gaza,(DRAH.PS)– National Working Group for the Palestinians in Syria said that the living conditions in the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria are becoming more and more difficult in light of the continued confrontations between the revolutionaries […]

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#PalHunger | Issawi rejects deportation, says he will continue his strike

[ PIC 25/09/2012 – 09:49 PM ] The prisoner Samer Issawi, 55 days on hunger strike, confirmed his absolute rejection of deportation, adding that he would not end his hunger strike till his liberation to Jerusalem or martyrdom LIVE BLOG ▶ DEMAND ISRAEL TO RELEASE #PALHUNGER STRIKERS & ADMINISTRATIVE DETAINEES A journal published by Adalah, […]

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Gaza Power Outages Continue

Monday August 06, 2012 15:06 by Kelly Joiner – IMEMC & Agencies The people in Gaza continue to suffer from rolling blackouts as its lone power plant is unable to meet the demands of residents and the Israeli occupation blocks access to help. Gazans protest continual power outages by candelight. Source: Time.com Current supplies of […]

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Israel releases latest plan for Wall around Bethlehem-area village of al Walaja

Wednesday, 01 August 2012 09:03 Thayer Hastings for the Alternative Information Center (AIC) The Palestinian village of al Walaja sits on a beautiful hillside. Along with its endowed landscape, al Walaja is targeted by the Israeli authorities for impeding the dream of an ethnically monogamous ‘greater Jerusalem’. Since 1971 the Gilo and Har Gilo colonies adjacent […]

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IOA accelerating settlement building south of Jerusalem

[ 09/07/2012 – 08:08 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) is accelerating building of settlement units in HarHoma and Gilo settlements, Jamal Omer, a Jerusalemite expert, said on Monday. He told the PIC that the IOA was planning to link those two settlements, the first to the south of occupied Jerusalem […]

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#PalHunger | Islamist MPs: the occupation continues disclaiming prisoners’ agreement

[ PIC 04/06/2012 – 10:24 AM ] OCCUPIED WB,(PIC)– The Islamist MPs confirmed that the Israeli occupation still disclaims the last agreement on prisoners, especially with the recent renewal of the prisoners’ administrative detention that included number of MPs and former ministers and other prisoners. The MPs denounced in a statement the illegal administrative detention, […]

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Marches against wall and settlement continue in West Bank

[ 26/05/2012 – 08:34 AM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) persisted in attacking the weekly peaceful marches against the segregation wall and settlement expansion and many Palestinians and foreign activists were reportedly injured on Friday afternoon. The Israeli troops, who are still blocking the main road of Kafr Qaddum village, fired a […]

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AFEH: IOA still excavating under Old City of Jerusalem

Ethnic Cleansing – Topic | Settlement Construction – Category – Pictures     OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) is still excavating under the Old City of Jerusalem to expand tunnels, the Aqsa foundation for endowment and heritage (AFEH) said.   It said that the diggings were progressing under the Palestinian homes in […]

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Anti-Zionism in the 21st Century: the struggle continues ~ by @docjazzmusic

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Tuesday, 24 January 2012 | By Dr. Tariq Shadid | Docjazz.com The essence of the Palestinian struggle is the battle against Zionism. It is a battle against its racism, against its murderous war crimes, against its insatiable territorial hunger, against its disdain for non-Jewish human […]

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As International Support For Palestine Grows, Israel Continues Attacks And Arrests

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Written by: MIFTAH | January 22, 2012 The head of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Aziz Dweik was detained by Israeli forces on January 19. At a checkpoint near Ramallah, the Hamas-supported senior politician was handcuffed, blindfolded and detained for two hours before he was officially […]

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Despite Israeli quelling, peaceful marches against wall and settlement persist

Related: Live Ammo used on unarmed civilians protesting in Nabi Saleh – Overview [ 24/12/2011 – 10:07 AM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Dozens of Palestinians, including women and children, along with peace activists were brutally attacked and injured on Friday during peaceful weekly marches held against the segregation wall and settlement activities in some West Bank […]

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Record number of Palestinians displaced by demolitions as Quartet continues to talk

Ethnic Cleansing – Topic | Settlement Construction – Category – Pictures 13 December 2011 | Amnesty International There has been a sharp rise in demolitions of Palestinian homes in 2011 © Amnesty International Israeli authorities have stepped up unlawful demolitions in the West Bank including East Jerusalem over the past year, displacing a record number […]

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Israel Continues To Develop Nuclear Arsenal

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Tuesday November 01, 2011 10:00 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies A report publish by the Guardian British paper in London on Monday morning revealed that Israel to working on developing its nuclear arsenal, seeking to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles, and wants to boost […]

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Israel still demolishing Palestinian homes in occupied Jerusalem

Ethnic Cleansing – Topic | Settlement Construction – Category Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:12| MEMO The Israelis impose many restrictions on Jerusalem residents to prevent them from obtaining building permits. Israel is continuing with its policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem on the pretext that the properties do not have official […]

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