Tag Archives: servers

Raed Salah: Visiting Jerusalem while occupied serves only Israel’s interests

[ PIC 05/05/2012 – 04:09 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Sheikh Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, said that Arab officials’ visits to Jerusalem under the occupation, “serves only the occupation’s interests” and the Zionist program and not a program supporting Al-Aqsa. During an exclusive interview […]

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Palestinians hit by cyber-attack following success at Unesco – Computer experts busy identifying responsible ones

Related: ISRAEL’S WEB WAR DECLARATION: HASBARA GOES WWW Computer experts are trying to identify who was responsible, as authority considers applications to other global bodies Harriet Sherwood | Jersualem | guardian.co.uk | 1 November 2011 The Palestinian foreign minister, Riyad al-Malki (left), and ambassador to Unesco, Elias Sanbar, in Paris where the UN agency overwhelmingly […]

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Update for #Syria | June 3, 2011 RT @fo0_: RT Dial up access for #Syria: +46850009990 +492317299993 +4953160941030 user:telecomix password:telecomix #syria #killswitch https://twitter.com/#!/netlibertaire/status/76656558934736896   Update for #Syria | May 27, 2011 https://twitter.com/#!/SyrRevo/status/73977578003767296 https://twitter.com/#!/SyrRevo/status/73977466959572992 . ♻ In case of Twitter #Fail http://doost.status.net/ . Create an account before you get a #Fail سلام، اينجا ايمن است اگر […]

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