Tag Archives: bloggers

#GazaUnderAttack | Video | A message to the World from Gaza (Stop The Killing)

Published on Jul 24, 2014 This video is a short message from Bloggers For Palestine team, Gaza to the world. It describes a little of the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza as Israel is making a very criminal and huge massacres   Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right? 81 Notre Dame Law Review1275(2006). Conducting an […]

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Must Read: Beyond Compromise: Unifying the Palestinian voice ~ by @docjazzmusic

Friday, 22 June 2012 | Docjazz.com | By Dr. Tariq Shadid So, what exactly is the news? A new online web project? They come and go, don’t they? This is what might be going through your mind, if you were told that a new Palestinian web project has been launched. For a number of reasons, […]

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Palestinian bloggers called to join prisoner hunger strike

Palestine’s Prisoners – Worldwide Event Oct 12,2011 | Pictures | Topic | Category +972 Magazine | Joseph Dana | October 10, 2011 On 27 September 2011, activists with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) launched a prisoner hunger strike in protest of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians prisoners in Israeli jails. Rallies have […]

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#VisaRefused | Tunisia denies visas for Palestinian bloggers

Eleven out of the 12 Palestinians invited to the Tunis meeting had their visas rejected by the Tunisian authorities. Last Modified: 05 Oct 2011 01:47 Some of the Palestinian bloggers, whose visas were denied, spoke to the attendees over Skype TUNIS, Tunisia – As influential bloggers from across the Middle East and North Africa gather in the […]

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An insult to Arab Spring: Palestinian bloggers denied visa ~ by @AbirKopty

12 Palestinian bloggers where invited to attend the 3rd Arab bloggers meeting in Tunisia. They will NOT make it, after denied entry visa by the Tunisian embassy. This is an insult to the Arab Spring. By Abir Kopty | October 3, 2011 This event, which started today October 3rd and continues until October 6th, gathers […]

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Israel lobby group outlines dirty tricks against campus Palestine activists

Jeff Haynes/Agence France Presse Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Fri, 06/24/2011 – 11:00 What is the best way to smear Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists and get away with it? That is the question David Bernstein, Executive Director of the pro-Israel propaganda group, The David Project, asks in a surprisingly frank article titled “How to ‘Name-And-Shame’ […]

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Gaza bloggers build bridges to outside world

By Catriona Davies for CNN February 4, 2011 — Updated 1033 GMT (1833 HKT) Laila El-Haddad, author of Gaza Mom, has been blogging since 2004. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Gazan bloggers come from wide range of backgrounds and experiences Some say their blogs provide a link with the rest of the world They say a growing number […]

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Update for #Syria | June 3, 2011 RT @fo0_: RT Dial up access for #Syria: +46850009990 +492317299993 +4953160941030 user:telecomix password:telecomix #syria #killswitch https://twitter.com/#!/netlibertaire/status/76656558934736896   Update for #Syria | May 27, 2011 https://twitter.com/#!/SyrRevo/status/73977578003767296 https://twitter.com/#!/SyrRevo/status/73977466959572992 . ♻ In case of Twitter #Fail http://doost.status.net/ . Create an account before you get a #Fail سلام، اينجا ايمن است اگر […]

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A Message to Anonymous from inside Egypt

~ Sofia Smith via @ArabRevolution on Twitter Posted by Palestine Solidarity Demo Information Centre at 9:56 PM Palestine Solidarity Demo Information Center: A Message to Anonymous from inside Egypt.

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Gaza’s blogging boom

Photo: Phoebe Greenwood/IRIN Gazan blogger Sharif Al Sharif writes to vent his frustration and the humanitarian crisis he’s living through. He says “Gaza is not hell it’s just a very unnatural place to live” GAZA CITY, 24 January 2011 (IRIN) – Sharif Al Sharif, 27, launched his blog in 2006 when there were only a […]

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No More Censorship! | In Defense Of Uruknet

January 17, 2011 at 11:57 | By Sofia Smith On January 11, 2011 we made a post titled ‘In Defense of Uruknet’. This blog post was made in the hope of getting enough people to sign onto Uruknets group page on Facebook to apply pressure to reinstate Uruknet’s profile page, which had been deactivated/revoked by […]

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Spin’s “senior source” revealed: Who briefed the rightist bloggers?

Tuesday, January 4 2011|Yossi Gurvitz The IDF speaks in two voices in the Jawaher Abu Rahmah affair – because it knows its case is week Last night (Monday) the IDF went on a coordinated media offensive against the Bil’in activists and the Abu Rahmah family, claiming not only wasn’t Jawaher Abu Rahmah killed as a […]

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Posted by desertpeace on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 9:25 am. Were we the first to ask?…. “Where is the real dirt on Israel?” these conspiracy theorists – messaging back and forth in the blogosphere – are asking one another. Bloggers claim WikiLeaks struck deal with Israel over diplomatic cables leaks The lack of information […]

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