Tag Archives: survey

VIDEO | #EpicFail | Israel stops survey aimed to gauge popularity among American Jews

Truth does not bother “Israel”. Pushing Buttons Do. To mute from “Tweeting until Termination” “You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a […]

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Survey: 40% of Israelis thinking of emigration

A new survey shows more than a third of Israelis want to immigrate to other countries due to economic problems and spiraling cost of living in the occupied territories. PressTV | Dec 15, 2012 Citing economic opportunities as the main reason, the poll conducted by Israeli newspaper Haaretz said that “almost 40 percent of Israelis […]

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Racism rampant among Israeli youth – video

02-09-2011,07:00 Agencies – Over the past three years, my wife Pennie and I have been working on a documentary film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During our second production trip to the region, one of the many remarkable people we encountered was Uri Davis. He is one of a handful of Israelis who has built a […]

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