Occupation arrested 880 Palestinian children during 2012

[ PIC 01/01/2013 – 08:57 PM ]


RAMALLAH, (PIC)– According to a report issued by the Department of Statistics, the total number of arrests against Palestinian children by the Israeli authorities has increased by 26% during 2012 compared to its previous year 2011.

The report indicates that the Israeli occupation forces have arrested 880 Palestinian children during 2012, with an average of 73 cases of arrest per month, considering that “a serious and alarming indicator”, in light of the continuation of targeting the children and detaining them in the jails in difficult conditions, and in light of the escalation of the serious violations against them.

The occupation authorities are still holding in its prisons and detention centers about 190 children under the age of 18, deprived from their most basic rights.

The official report noted that all the detained children have been exposed to different kinds of physical as well as psychological torture, in addition to pressure, inhuman and cruel treatment and deprivation.

It added that the Israeli authorities have been blackmailing the detained children and using force to extract their confessions, and then sentencing them to long years of imprisonment, and sometimes to life imprisonment, which is contrary to all international charters and conventions, particularly those related to child rights.


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