Dozens injured in clashes across the West Bank

[ 12/03/2011 – 07:20 AM ]


WEST BANK, (PIC)– Dozens suffered from the effects of breathing tear gas during clashes that broke out with Israeli soldiers after Friday prayers in Bil’in, Ma’sara and East Jerusalem.


Dozens of Palestinians and foreign activists were injured when Israeli forces cracked down on a weekly Bil’in march protesting the apartheid wall, witnesses reported.

Soldiers formed a human blockade near the wall’s western gate hindering marchers from crossing the wall, the witnesses added.

When demonstrators tried to cross over the army began firing stun grenades, rubber-coated bullets and sprayed waste water mixed with chemicals dyed green to disperse the crown, they said. Dozens suffered severe breathing difficulties after inhaling gas.


Meanwhile, more clashes broke out in the Al-Bustan area in the East Jerusalem district of Silwan between hundreds of youth and the Israeli army.

Soldiers exhausted their arsenal of tear gas before backup arrived as they fired at the homes of Palestinians injuring many, locals reported.

At least two policemen preparing to launch tear gas were injured after being hit with stones hurled by the protesters.


The same Friday, Israeli forces cracked down on a weekly anti-wall march in the Bethlehem town of Ma’sara.

Soldiers blocked the marchers from entering their land threatened to be seized and attacked them with batons and stun grenades.

The demonstrators waved Palestinian flags and banners bearing slogans condemning the Israeli policies of displacing the land’s indigenous people.

Dozens injured in clashes across the West Bank.

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