Hamas: Burning mosques racist policy

[ 07/06/2011 – 06:57 PM ]

DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Hamas strongly condemned the Israeli settlers’ burning of a mosque in Mughyir village to the northeast of Ramallah on Tuesday as a racist act and a flagrant violation of heavenly religions.

It said that burning the mosque and writing racist slurs on its walls had violated international conventions and human values.

The fire almost destroyed the mosque entirely and its outside walls cracked. Hebrew Graffiti daubed on the walls said that it was an act of revenge.

Hamas said in a press release that presence of the Israeli army before the burning indicated that it was an accomplice.

The movement asserted that the Israeli army and settlers’ crimes would not deter the Palestinian people from insisting on national rights and constants.

It finally called on human rights groups to immediately act to protect the Palestinian people and their holy shrines.


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