Cyprus offers to rally European support for Palestinian state

Published today (updated) 27/06/2011 21:24

RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Cyprus on Monday said it would rally support in Europe for the Palestinian bid for UN recognition of statehood in September.

Cyprus recognized a Palestinian state on 1967 borders in January.

Cyprus Interior Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis offered to continue to support Palestine during a meeting with his Palestinian Authority counterpart Said Abu Ali Ramallah.

The ministers also discussed ways to increase bilateral cooperation and to promote joint activities in civil defense and immigration.

Abu Ali stressed the importance of the relationship between the PA and Cyprus, and thanked Sylikiotis for his government’s support for Palestine and Palestinian refugees.

Sylikiotis said his government was willing to train PA task forces to respond to crises such as earthquakes and floods. He added that Cyprus’ Ministry of Justice would assist in training PA police.


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