Hamas: Mosque burning a violation of divine law

[ 05/09/2011 – 07:34 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas has condemned the arson of Al-Nourein mosque in Qasra village near Nablus in northern West Bank, calling the burning of mosques a racial crime and violation of divine law.

“We in Hamas strongly condemn the arson attack on Al-Nourein mosque and consider it a blatant violation of divine law and international norms and continuation of the racist and criminal approach of the Zionist entity and its settlers,” reads a statement issued by Hamas’s media bureau.

Hamas also called for unity in the face of the Israeli occupation and appealed to the Arab League, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and rights groups to work to help stop Israel’s “racial crimes.”

In a separate statement, Palestinian MP Yunis Al-Astal (Hamas) also condemned the desecration of the mosque, assigning blame to the Palestinian Authority, alongside the Israeli occupation authorities and the Jewish settlers, for abolishing the Palestinian resistance program with the Oslo Accords.

“Armed resistance will make the occupation (Israel) think a thousand and one times before committing any offenses, whether that relates to attacks on the mosques or any person,” Al-Astal said.

Such acts were not even committed in the South Africa during apartheid years, Hamas leader Salah al-Bardawil said in an exclusive statement to the PIC, adding that the act reflects the extent of Israel’s extremism and racism.

He said that Israel’s desecration of mosques “appears to be a systematic ideological process by the occupation (Israel), seeking to insult the Islamic religion and the Islamic people and trying to show the religious superiority through such racial acts.”


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