#HanaShalabi – MP Mansour urges Egypt to swiftly intervene to save the life of Shalabi

[ PIC 27/02/2012 – 05:41 PM ]

NABLUS, (PIC)– MP Mona Mansour has urged Egypt, in her capacity as the patron of the prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, to swiftly intervene and save the life of hunger striker Hana’a Shalabi.

Mansour called on Cairo in a press release on Monday to pressure Israel into respecting the exchange deal articles and to release Shalabi who has been on hunger strike for 12 days. The deal stipulated that all released prisoners would not be re-arrested.

The MP described Shalabi’s demands as “legitimate”, adding that her detention is in violation of international and humanitarian laws.

For its part, the independent authority for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory voiced concern over the condition of Shalabi and held the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) responsible for her life.

It asked the world community to urgently intervene with the IOA and demand the release of Shalabi, whose health condition is rapidly deteriorating.

For all other posts for Hana’ Ash-Shalabi
Hana’ Yayha Shalabi – Action Alert
Hana’ Yayha Shalabi – Addameer Prisoner support

Palestinian Hunger Strikers: A History
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More about: Israeli Torture of Prisoners | History | Category

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