Abu Zuhri: Hill’s visit to give impression on presence of negotiations

[ PIC 08/01/2013 – 03:50 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, has said that the US Middle East envoy David Hill’s visit to the region aims at giving the impression that negotiations between the PA and Israel were still ongoing.

Hill is slated to arrive in Ramallah on Tuesday for a meeting with PA chief Mahmoud Abbas.

Abu Zuhri told Quds Press that Hill’s visit would not change anything on the ground in light of the incessant Israeli occupation crimes and the American administration blind backing of the Israeli positions.

Regarding whether Hill was carrying a new project to revive the settlement process, the spokesman said that his movement was of the opinion that the settlement process had failed “and we call on the PA to stop negotiating with the occupation.”

Still live in fairy-tale-land about Israel? Time to wake up: The Map of the “Greater Israel” even is hammered on the currency:

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You can forget all details. Save yourself time. It is only about Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this…

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