Israeli occupation authority besieges Jerusalemites in 8% of the city area

[ PIC 23/04/2013 – 09:13 PM ]

images_News_2013_04_23_jerusalem_300_0[1]OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Two human rights organizations in 1948-occupied territories accused the Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) of besieging Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem in 7.8 % of the city’s area.

Citizen’s Rights and Bimkom Israeli organization have appealed against the Israeli “structural map, Jerusalem 2000” as an illegal map, stressing that the map aims to besiege Jerusalemites in an area of 7.8% of the city.

The Israeli authorities refused any new building projects under the pretext of non-compliance with the structural map, although it has no legal validity, the organizations confirmed.

They emphasized that the map negatively affected Palestinians in East Jerusalem, where they were besieged in 7.8 % of Jerusalem.

The Palestinian presence in Jerusalem constitutes 39% of the total population in the city, however the Palestinian neighborhoods’ area does not exceed 14% of ​​East Jerusalem and 7.8% of the city, the human rights organizations stated, stressing that the Israeli structural map threatens the Jerusalemite demographic growth.

The appeal pointed out that the “structural map” aims to reduce the Palestinian residential areas in East Jerusalem.

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Still live in fairy-tale-land about Israel? Time to wake up: The Map of the “Greater Israel” even is hammered on the currency:

All facts at Storify continuously updated. Read what Israeli ‘leaders’ have said and done even before (peace) talks and how their actions contradict the reality and ugly facts which they try to hide from you:

You can forget all details. Save yourself time. It is only about Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this…

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