Appeals to save Al-Qurmi neighborhood in Jerusalem

[ PIC 20/09/2013 – 01:13 PM ]


OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Jerusalem Foundation for Development has appealed the international community to intervene urgently to restore Al-Qurmi neighborhood in the Old City of Jerusalem and to prevent the displacement of its residents.

Serious cracks have appeared in dozens of house in Al-Qurmi neighborhood due to the continued Israeli excavations and tunnels under the houses in addition to the Israeli demolition notifications.

The foundation has issued a documentary highlighting the plight of the neighborhood’s residents due to the continuing excavations. The film stressed that dozens of houses are in urgent need of full restoration.

The Foundation called on Arab and Islamic countries to support restoration projects in the neighborhood as part of supporting the steadfastness of Jerusalemites especially those who live near Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Chairman of the Foundation has called on media outlets to widely broadcast the documentary to shed more light on the Israeli schemes and continued violations against Jerusalemites and their properties.

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