Israel must lift Gaza blockade: Iran UN envoy

This file photo shows Palestinians rushing to buy food and other staples that are in short supply due to the Israeli blockade imposed on Gaza.

This file photo shows Palestinians rushing to buy food and other staples that are in short supply due to the Israeli blockade imposed on Gaza.
Iran’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN Gholam-Hossein Dehqani says the Israeli regime should end its illegal blockade of the impoverished Gaza Strip.

Dehqani, who was speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at a UN General Assembly meeting on Wednesday, called on the world community to seriously address the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.

He said the Israeli regime must abide by all UN resolutions, in particular the one adopted in 1860, halt its illegal siege of the Gaza Strip and allow an unimpeded provision of basic materials into the coastal sliver.

He added that the economic condition of the people in the Gaza Strip has deteriorated due to the six-year blockade of the tiny coastal territory, warning that the continuation of the siege would further deny Gazans access to basic humanitarian supplies.

Dehqani went on to say that the NAM member states were gravely concerned about the condition of the Palestinians residing in refugee camps, the repeated violations of Palestinians’ rights by Israel, the Tel Aviv regime’s continued settlement activities, the destruction of Palestinian houses and the arrest and detention of thousands of Palestinians, describing Israeli crimes against Palestinians a breach of internal law.

The NAM expects the international community to live up to its moral, political and legal obligations to put an end to Israel’s violation of Palestinians’ rights, he added.

Israel imposed an all-out land, aerial, and naval blockade on Gaza in June 2007.

The siege has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the impoverished enclave, having turned the territory into the world’s largest open-air prison.



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