#GazaUnderAttack | Israeli airstrikes hit UNRWA stockrooms, civilians’ homes

[ PIC 14/07/2014 – 07:55 AM ]

images_News_2014_07_14_unrwa_300_0GAZA, (PIC)– Palestinian medics reported deaths and injuries among Palestinian civilians as the Israeli occupation forces targeted UNRWA food stores in Gaza with aerial raids and Palestinian homes with a spate of artillery attacks.

A wave of Israeli raids was launched by the Israeli jets on the UNRWA stores, east of Gaza, setting them ablaze. The fire destroyed food aid items reserved for more than a million and a half Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian civil defense crews could not manage to take out such wild fires set across the stores due to the uncontrollable nature of the Israeli shells.

The sources said similar Israeli attacks rocked UNRWA stockrooms in 2008 and 2009.

The barrage of Israeli raids reduced many of Palestinian homes and farmlands into rubble.

A number of Palestinian civilians were rushed to the hospital as a round of Israeli shells rocked two Palestinian homes east of al-Zaitoun neighborhood.

The Israeli warplanes targeted two poultries, a carpentry, and two more homes across the Strip.

The Israeli airstrikes took away the lives of around 170 Palestinians and destroyed hundreds of civilians’ homes.

Current Attacks on Gaza – July 2014 – In Photos

Click on the thumbnails to see the full albums

Gaza Under Attack | July 13, 2014

Gaza Under Attack July 12, 2014

Gaza Under Attack – July 11, 2014

Gaza Under Attack – July 10, 2014

Gaza Under Attack – July 9, 2014

Gaza Under Attack – July 8, 2014

Israel is using international banned weaponry again


Read and Witness more:

At this blog:

 At Sabbah Report:

Urgent Call from Gaza

Palestinians mourn victims of Israeli air strikes in Gaza City, 12 July. (Mohammed Asad / APA images)

We Palestinians trapped inside the bloodied and besieged Gaza Strip call on conscientious people all over the world to act, protest and intensify the boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel until it ends this murderous attack on our people and is held to account. (Read more at the Electronic Intifada)


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