Tag Archives: attacking

Israeli settlers and soldiers attack Palestinians south of al-Khalil

[ PIC 06/07/2013 – 03:29 PM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Jewish settlers, accompanied by Israeli soldiers, attacked Palestinians, from the hamlet of Umm al-Khair, who tried to enter their lands, near the town of Yatta in al-Khalil. Ratib al-Jabour, the coordinator of the popular and national committees against the wall and settlements in Yatta, told Quds […]

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Israeli forces storm the west of Jenin and summons a citizen

[ PIC 22/02/2013 – 06:16 PM ] JENIN, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation forces stormed at dawn Friday Yamoun village in the west of Jenin and summoned a citizen to Salem camp. Local sources said that the Israeli forces handed over the citizen Abdul Ghani Abu Hija, 55, a summons to the intelligence office and threatened […]

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Jewish settlers assault farmers in Hawara (Nablus village)

[ PIC 08/12/2012 – 08:03 AM ] NABLUS, (PIC)– Heavily armed Jewish settlers attacked a group of Palestinian farmers while harvesting their olive crops in Hawara village south of Nablus city. Mu’een Al-Dumaidi, the Hawara municipal council chairman, said on Friday that the Israeli occupation authorities had allowed the farmers to reap their crops. He […]

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#GazaUnderAttack | Nov 14, 2012 | LIVE BLOG

All Photography ▶ Gaza Under Attack #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 21, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 20, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 19, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 18, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 17, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 16, 2012| LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | […]

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#GazaUnderAttack | Nov 13, 2012 | LIVE BLOG (Updated)

#GazaUnderAttack | NOV 21, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 20, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 19, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 18, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 17, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 16, 2012 | LIVE BLOG #GazaUnderAttack | NOV 15, 2012 | LIVE […]

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Palestinian Jawdat Bani Jabir, 43 years old, stabbed and shot in settler attack near Nablus

Maan News Agency | July 7, 2012 NABLUS (Ma’an) — A Palestinian man was shot by Israeli forces in the northern West Bank on Saturday, after which a group of Israeli settlers stabbed him repeatedly, a Palestinian official said. Jawdat Bani Jabir, 43, was shot in the face and the foot by soldiers in Yanun […]

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#GazaUnderAttack | IOF soldiers fire at residential quarters in southern Gaza

Qassam Website 28-06-2012,10:05 Gaza Strip – Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened machinegun fire at residential quarters in Qarara to the north east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday night. Local sources said that IOF soldiers patrolling the border fence near Kissufim military position suddenly opened fire at buildings in the town […]

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Shabak chief: Attacks on Gaza would be maintained

[ PIC 30/05/2012 – 06:03 PM ] NAZARETH, (PIC)– Chief of the general Israeli intelligence, the Shabak, Yoram Cohen has affirmed the importance of maintaining attacks on the Gaza Strip. He told the parliamentary security and foreign affairs committee on Wednesday that such attacks would serve Israel’s security. Cohen claimed that in the absence of […]

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Photos | Extremist Israeli Settlers set olive trees on fire and shoot a Palestinian man in ‘Urif – May 26, 2012

May 27, 2012 Not a week after a group of settlers, under “supervison” and passive agreement of the zionist army already shot a young man, May 26, 2012 zionist settlers again attacked and shot a man in the abdomen. While no justice has done so far concerning last weeks attack, undisturbed Israel’s army glows of […]

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Must See: Palestinians and internationals attacked during biking trip in Jordan Valley – Video

by Joseph and Emiliano | 15 April 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Palestinian and international cyclists were brutally attacked by the Israeli occupation forces on Saturday as they attempted to bike up Route 90, the main North-South highway running through the Jordan Valley. The cyclists were demonstrating against Israeli apartheid policies in the […]

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WAFA: Israeli Forces Commit 25 Violations Against Journalists in February

Monday March 05, 2012 15:30 by Ghassan Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies The Palestinian News and Information Agency, WAFA, issued a report on Monday documenting the violations committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian journalists during February 2012. Israeli Troops Attacking a Palestinian Journalist The report stated 11 journalists were injured during the 25 violations. The […]

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Erekat Warns Against Israeli Strike on Gaza

WAFA FEB 21 2012 RAMALLAH, February 21, 2012 (WAFA) – PLO Executive Committee member Saeb Erekat Tuesday warned against an Israeli military strike on the Gaza Strip, holding the Israeli government fully responsible for any such attack. He told a local radio station that the Palestinian Authority takes these threats seriously because they have been […]

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“MADA” warns of escalating Israeli campaign against journalists

More Israeli Attacks on Press to prevent they show you Truth PNN | MADA | Published on Tuesday, 07 February 2012 09:47 The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) warns of the escalating Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) campaign against Palestinian journalists, which most recently arrested Radio Bethlehem 2000 correspondent Suhaib Al-A’sa and photo […]

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Left behind at the scene of the crime: Israel wages war on Bil’in – in pictures

Related: All Attacks on Palestinians – Timeline – Category by Wedad Yassin | 30 Jan 2012 | Sixteen Minutes to Palestine | ISM Weeks ago, Wedad Yassin traveled back to Ein Yabrud, a village near Ramallah in the West Bank, to visit her family and to experience Palestine’s rich cultural heritage. Her intention had been […]

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Three years ago: A “normal morning” turns to horror in Gaza ~ by @imPalestine

Memorial Website | Never Cast Lead Again – War on Gaza Mohammed Suliman | The Electronic Intifada |  24 Dec 2011 The memory of Israel’s 22 days of bombing in Gaza evokes sadness, anger, pain and inexplicable pride. (Ashraf Amra /APA images ) It was a few minutes past eleven. I woke up “early” to start preparing […]

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