Tag Archives: Ayman Nasser

ACTION ALERT | .@Addameer_ps researcher Ayman Nasser‘s detention extended five more days (again)

Addameer | Nov 22, 2012 Ramallah, 22 November 2012 – Human rights defender Ayman Nasser, who has spent 39 days in interrogation since his arrest on 15 October 2012, has had his detention extended five more days until Monday 26 November 2012, in which it is expected that he will be presented with his accusations. Addameer […]

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Detention of human rights researcher Ayman Nasser of @Addameer_ps extended

MEMO | Nov 8, 2012 An Israeli military court has extended the detention of human rights researcher Ayman Nasser for a further seven days. Nasser, 42, is a researcher for Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights. He was detained at his house in Safa village near Ramallah in the middle of October. Nasser’s advocate said that […]

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VIDEO | #FreeAyman | Human rights researcher violently arrested by Israeli Forces

PressTV | Oct 16, 2012   Ayman Nasser, a researcher and employee of Addameer Prisoners Association was violently arrested and taken from his home by Israeli Forces. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xue4ly_human-rights-researcher-violently-arrested-by-israeli-forces_news The arrest took place at 1 am and lasted for 1.5 hours, in which time they raided his home with sniffer dogs and confiscated his mobile phone, […]

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#FreeAyman | Update on Continued Detention of Addameer Researcher Ayman Nasser

Addameer | Oct 18, 2012 Ramallah, 18 October 2012 – Ayman Nasser appeared today in Israeli court in Jerusalem, where the prosecution requested that his interrogation period be extended by another 15 days. During the court appearance Addameer lawyer Mahmoud Hassan referred questions to the prosecution regarding the failure of the interrogators to provide Ayman […]

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