Tag Archives: Barak Obama

Lawsuit Filed Against Obama Over Journalist Mazen Dana’s Murder in Iraq

Kawther Salam | March 23, 2013 On behalf of the wife of the Palestinian journalist Mazen Dana, a Reuter’s cameraman who was murdered by the US troops at Iraq, Palestinian lawyers for human rights have taken legal action against the US President Barak Obama upon his arrival in Israel as part of his Middle East […]

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Indicators of War, Not Peace, in Obama’s Visit

Kawther Salam | March 22, 2013 President Barak Obama speaks in Jerusalem: “I have made the position of the United States of America clear: Iran must not get a nuclear weapon. This is not a danger that can be contained. As President, I have said to the world that all options are on the table […]

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Obama in the West Bank: Map of Palestine Removed From Entrance of Jesus Place of Birth

Kawther Salam | March 22, 2013 The Palestinian Authority has spent thousands of the donation dollars meant for poor Palestinians to raise US flags and impose new repressive measures in Ramallah and Bethlehem, were the centres of the cities were closed and restrictive controls were imposed on the movement of all Palestinians. Several thousands of […]

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Removal of map of historical Palestine ahead of Obama visit severely criticized

MEMO | March 20, 2013   On Wednesday, the municipality of Bethlehem removed a stone monument to Palestine’s historic map situated at the entrance to the city ahead of US president Barak Obama’s visit.Criticizing the move, the spokesman for the Palestinian government in Gaza, Ther al-Nono said: “The removal of the stone monument to Palestine’s […]

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Yet Another Israeli Assassination Campaign ~ by @KawtherSalam

Dead body of a child found in the rubble of a house belonging to the Al Dayah family, that collapsed following Israeli forces’ operations in Gaza City, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009. Kawther Salam | March 14, 2012 In the latest campaign of incitement of the state of terrorism, “israel”, against the besieged Palestinians in the […]

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