Tag Archives: contaminated

5 springs in Bethlehem area ‘dangerously contaminated’

Ma’an News Agency | (updated) 12/10/2013 12:59 BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Research by high school students has concluded that five major springs which serve as a main source of water in the south Bethlehem area are inadequate for human use as a result of the high rates of fecal coliform bacteria contaminating that water. The research […]

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Over 90 students poisoned in Jenin

[ PIC 10/09/2012 – 06:15 PM ] JENIN, (PIC)– Scores of students in the secondary school of Sanur town, near Jenin in the northern West Bank, were transferred to hospital for treatment after being poisoned, Palestinian medical sources reported. Dr. Saleh Zakarna, the Director of Jenin’s Health, pointed out that the number of cases affected […]

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‘Radioactive element’ on Arafat belongings

July 3, 2012 | Maan News Agency BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Items belonging to late president Yasser Arafat were found to have been contaminated by a rare and radioactive element, Al Jazeera reported Tuesday. Arafat, who fell ill while besieged in his compound in Ramallah, eventually passed away in October 2004 in a Paris hospital. Mystery […]

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163 charities blacklisted by Israel because ‘contaminated by terror’

Posted by gazasolidarity on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 10:37 am. Israel doesn’t like charities. UK-based charity Interpal is one of the targets. Must give them some more money. The Israel Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority has located 163 organizations contaminated with funds related to terrorism over the past three years, and issued […]

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