Tag Archives: cyber

VIDEO | Anonymous – #Operation Israel (v2.0)

Webchat: http://bit.ly/10DBFP2 Network: irc.anonops.com Port(s): 6667 — SSL(6697) Channel: #OpIsrael Follow @Op_Israel on twitter. #OpIsrael Information Center: http://bit.ly/OpIsrael Greetings World. During November 2012 Israel’s aggression towards the people living in the Gaza strip resulted in the deaths of more than one hundred people. This included thirty children and wounding more than 1000 others. At the […]

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#Anonymous launches massive cyber assault on Israel

RT.com |  April 06, 2013 20:18 | Updated April 07, 2013 02:55 AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys Hacktivist group Anonymous has launched a second massive cyber attack against Israel, dubbed #OpIsrael. The collective threatens to “disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace” in protest over its mistreatment of Palestinians. Dozens of Israeli websites were unavailable as […]

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Flame: Israel’s New Contribution to Middle East Cyberwar ~ by Richard Silverstein

Tikun Olam | Richard Silverstein | May 28, 2012 Map of known infections from Flame The country that brought us Iranian nuclear assassinations, explosions at Iran missile bases, and Stuxnet, is at it again.  A computer virus called Flame, is spreading among computers in the Middle East. according to an article by an expert at […]

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Palestinians hit by cyber-attack following success at Unesco – Computer experts busy identifying responsible ones

Related: ISRAEL’S WEB WAR DECLARATION: HASBARA GOES WWW Computer experts are trying to identify who was responsible, as authority considers applications to other global bodies Harriet Sherwood | Jersualem | guardian.co.uk | 1 November 2011 The Palestinian foreign minister, Riyad al-Malki (left), and ambassador to Unesco, Elias Sanbar, in Paris where the UN agency overwhelmingly […]

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Multilingual PIC back online after cyber attack by Fatah

[ 13/02/2011 – 01:03 PM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The technical support team of the Palestinian information center (PIC) has managed to address the cyber attack that blocked after midnight Saturday the website’s access to online users temporarily. In a statement issued by the PIC on Sunday, the news outlet accused cyber saboteurs hired by […]

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