Tag Archives: grab

“Automated Annexation”: Israel informing Palestinians of land confiscation by mail

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’ Law resources below this article Maan News Agency | June 19, 2013 NABLUS (Ma’an) — Israeli authorities have started using registered mail to inform Palestinians of land confiscations, a Palestinian Authority official said Wednesday. Israel’s Civil Administration has […]

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Israel ‘plans new Apartheid Road’ in sensitive West Bank area

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’ Law resources below this article Maan News Agency | June 6, 2013 JERUSALEM (AFP) — A plan to build a new interchange between Jerusalem and the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim was expected to be approved by […]

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Occupation confiscates Al Hasba market for the Jewish Settlements Council

[ PIC 04/09/2012 – 12:16 PM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Hebron Rehabilitation Committee (HRC) condemned the Israeli Ministerial Committee’s decision granting stores in the ancient vegetable market in Hasba neighborhood, located in the center of al-Khalil, to the Jewish Settlements Council. HRC warned of the seriousness of consequences of such ministerial decision on the demographic, geographic, […]

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More settler land grabs in North Jordan Valley and south West Bank

[ PIC 24/07/2012 – 02:40 PM ] JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)– The residents of the Buqei’a settlement in the North Jordan Valley seized Palestinian land on Monday morning as part of their continued illegal expansion. The land, 50 dunums, was promptly fenced and barricaded by the settlers who prevented the Palestinian owners from entering it. Local […]

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Israel legalizing land grab of Palestinian land ~ by Khalid Amayreh

Al Qassam Website | 11-07-2012,10:19 By Khalid Amayreh A special committee appointed by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to look into the “legality” of Jewish colonies in the West Bank has concluded that Israel has a legal right to grab Palestinian land, irrespective of the rule of international law and any other considerations. The committee, […]

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Warnings against Israeli plans to Judaize the whole Al-Buraq square

[ PIC 10/07/2012 – 04:54 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Islamic-Christian commission for the support of Jerusalem and holy sites warned against the new Israeli practical step in the course of “the development” of Buraq Square, which was announced officially by the occupation on 22 October 2010 to restructure the area in accordance with […]

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Jewish settlers seize Palestinian land in Bethlehem

[ Palestinian Information Center 12/05/2012 – 02:31 PM ] BETHLEHEM, (PIC)– Jewish settlers seized Palestinian land in Khader village, south of Bethlehem, on Saturday and started farming it. Ahmed Salah, the coordinator of the popular committee in the village, said that settlers from Hanania settlement took control over six dunums of Mustafa Ghunaim’s land and […]

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Settlers Plant Trees Near Nablus

Thursday January 20, 2011 15:59 by IMEMC News – 1 of International Middle East Media Center Editorial Group On Thursday a group of settlers planted dozens of trees in the evacuated settlement of Homesh, west of Nablus, near the Palestinian village of Burqa Homesh was the site of an illegal Israeli settlement evacuated in 2005. […]

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FM Malki Condemns Land Rush in Jerusalem

Thursday January 20, 2011 15:27 by IMEMC News – 1 of International Middle East Media Center Editorial Group In an interview with Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat on Thursday Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki condemned the “land rush” and “Judaization” of Jerusalem, Malkim told the newspaper that, “The occupation’s land rush in Sheikh Jarrah in […]

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Clashes in Silwan as police up the stakes in Baten al-Hawa land grab

Sunday, 16 January, 2011 | 20:36 Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Violent clashes erupted in Baten al-Hawa district today following a large Israeli police raid on a residential home. The home of Yahya Silwadi and his family has stormed by police and plainclothes officers, who told residents that they needed to inspect the home for “illegal” […]

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IOA confiscates 1,000 dunums south of Nablus

[ 14/10/2010 – 10:16 AM ]   NABLUS, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) ordered the confiscation of 1,000 dunums of Palestinian land of Jalud village, southeast of Nablus, on Wednesday, to establish an army base. Ghassan Daghlas, the head of the committee monitoring settlement activity north of the West Bank, said in a press […]

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Saffa Campaign Begins! | Palestine Solidarity Project

3 October 2010 On Sunday, October 3, 2010, farmers from Saffa, accompanied by international and Israeli solidarity activists, worked their lands near the illegal Israeli settlement of Bat Ayn. The Palestine Solidarity Project has organized a campaign in the Saffa Valley to support the farmers every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday over the next couple of […]

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Settlement Security Officer Torches Palestinian Olive Trees – International Middle East Media Center

Saturday October 02, 2010 05:51 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies A security guard working at the Itamar Jewish settlement, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, torched a number of olive trees that belong to resident of Awarta village, east of the city, No’man Awwad, a 40-year-old local villager, told the Maan […]

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