Tag Archives: groupd

US groups condemn anti-boycott law and reiterate support for BDS

12 July 2011 | US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel |   International Solidarity Movement – Read the Palestinian Boycott National Committees statement on anti-boycott bill – Read the Boycott From Within statement on the anti-boycott bill On Monday, 11 July 2011, the Israeli Knesset passed new legislation outlawing the Boycott, Divestment […]

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Salafist Group Claims No connection With Murder Of Italian Activist

Friday April 15, 2011 11:08 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News The Tawhid and Jihad fundamentalist Salafist group in Gaza, claimed it has no connection with the murder of Italian peace activist, Vittorio Arriogoni, whose body was found hanged on Friday at dawn. The group published a statement on the internet claiming that it had […]

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Rights groups demand end to Palestinian suffering in Egyptian jails

[ 25/12/2010 – 08:03 AM ]   CAIRO, (PIC)– Three rights groups in Egypt are calling on their government to disclose the number and details of Palestinians in the country’s jails. “They are currently suffering tough and inhumane conditions that violate the law, Egyptian constitution, and international conventions which Egypt had undersigned,” said the Shihab […]

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