Tag Archives: Military trial

Israeli Salem military court sentences three children

[ PIC 29/12/2012 – 03:15 PM ] JENIN, (PIC)– The Israeli Salem military court, north of Jenin, has sentenced three Palestinian children to three months behind bars after charging them with throwing stones at Israeli occupation forces. Local sources in Qalqilia’s Azun village, the hometown of the children, said Saturday that two of the three […]

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Palestinian activist to judge: I do not recognize your rules

20 February 2012 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee | ISM Bassem Tamimi from Nabi Saleh testified yesterday as part of the defense’s case in the ongoing trial against him. Tamimi, suspected of protest related charges, was arrested on March last year, and remains in detention since. Bassem Tamimi photo: ActiveStills After 11 months in an […]

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