Tag Archives: reflect

Al Khalil: School children reflect on changes in Israeli military following presence of ISM volunteers

by Edna | 25 March 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank The safe, comfortable, winsome childhood I had growing up in suburban America is a completely theoretical concept for the Palestinian children in the West Bank. I’ve realized this while volunteering as a human rights observer in Hebron. One activity that entails is sitting […]

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Abu Zuhri:Obama’s speech reflect total bias to Israeli occupation

[ 23/09/2011 – 09:37 AM ] GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said on Thursday that the speech made by US President Barak Obama at the UN reflects total American bias in favour of the Israeli occupation. Abu Zuhri further told France Press that it would be wrong for Arabs and […]

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