Tag Archives: revolts

Hamas: West eager to divert uprisings

PressTV –  Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:53AM Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman Moussa Abu Marzouk Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman Moussa Abu Marzouk says Western states are trying to divert recent uprisings in the region, Press TV reports. “Arrogant powers are creating deviant movements to divert the recent uprisings but they won’t be able to […]

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‘Israeli aggression due to uprisings’

Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:11AM Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman Moussa Abu Marzouk Hamas says Israel has stepped up aggression against Gaza due to the uprisings in the Arab world and is trying to undermine Palestinian resistance movements’ reconciliation efforts. “Nowadays, there is aggression against the Gaza Strip. This aggression [has] now increased because of […]

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This Road Leads to Jerusalem

By Shahab Jafry – Dubai It no longer matters what jolted the Arab conscience into revolt — food inflation, political victimization, decades of brute puppet regimes — as the political calculus of US/EU backed family regime model is on the verge of a phenomenal, permanent paradigm shift. As if the latest fashion, nature itself seems […]

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Gaza revolts

March 21st, 2011 | Jewbonics I am sorry that I have not mentioned yet that my brave friends in Palestine are erupting. The virus of revolt has spread to Gaza City. And thank god. Apparently on Tuesday the 15 there was a Day of Rage – thousands of young Palestinians spilled out into the street, […]

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While the world looks away, the occupation of Palestine goes on

Ibrahim Hewitt | MEMO Monday, 21 March 2011 14:00 The simple fact is that Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians is ongoing, whether reported by the Western media or not, and it is more often than not the latter. For anyone relying on the mainstream media for information about the rest of the world, the knowledge […]

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