Tag Archives: shadow

In the Shadow of the Wall, the West Bank is Burning

By Mats Svensson | Palestine Chronicle | Sept 26, 2011 Today’s wall is longer, higher and it does not stop terrorist activities inside the West Bank. Houses are demolished, land is destroyed and people are dying. It is night. He is dark and it is dark. The fear comes out of his eyes. He is […]

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Israel frightened of its own shadow

PressTV –  Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:48AM GMT Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani says the Zionist regime [of Israel] is under dangerous illusions with respect to its existence and is scared of its own shadow. Speaking at a parliamentary session on Wednesday, Larijani said Israel has once again […]

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Let Us Announce a Shadow Government

02.03.11 – 11:20 Fadi Abu Sadaa – PNN Editor in Chief – Without doubt, efforts by Palestinian youth to end the Hamas-Fatah division is getting  widespread support and respect and impressing leaders on both sides. Youth Call for National Unity – PNN Photos What gave the efforts more leverage is Prime Minster Salam Fayyad’s initiative to ask […]

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