Tag Archives: stability

Mishaal: Hamas keen on Jordan’s stability

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. [ 29/01/2012 – 08:19 PM ] AMMAN, (PIC)– Political bureau chairman of Hamas Khaled Mishaal has affirmed that his movement was keen on maintaining Jordan’s security and stability. Mishaal, speaking at the Jordanian royal court in Amman on Sunday after meeting with King Abdullah II, […]

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Hamas calls for extra steps in promoting stability of 1948 Palestinians

[ 18/01/2011 – 10:11 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas resistance movement called Monday for an “enhancement of Palestinian, Arab, and international mechanisms for legal and national mobilization” to protect Palestinian territory and cut the string of ethnic transfer of the Palestinians. Hamas’s refugee affairs department also called for an intensification of popular activities […]

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Erdogan: Israel’s policies threaten stability in the region

[ 11/01/2011 – 02:33 PM ]   DOHA, (PIC)– Turkish premier Recept Erdogan said that Israel’s policies constitute a major obstacle to the peace process and the stability in the Middle East and called for ending Gaza siege. Erdogan told the Qatari newspaper Asharq on the eve of his visit to Doha that the Israeli […]

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