Tag Archives: United

PHOTOS | The message to Israel: Gaza Resistance United!

Sept 6, 2013 50 fighters from each military wing particpated in a parade today in Sheikh Zayed street, north of Gaza as a show of unity. The message by the united military wings in Gaza: We did not authorize anyone to negotiate with the occupation! Photos by PalToday.ps, Palinfo.com, Qudsn.ps, RAYA.ps, QudsNet.com, SAFA   Related […]

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PCHR Submits Memorandum to the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions

Ref: 74/2012 Date: 10 September 2012 The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has sent a submission, in the form of an Individual Complaint, to the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, related to the willful killing of Saad al-Majdalawi by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip on 16 August 2011. On 16 […]

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Bardawil: Hamas united behind its leader Mishaal

[ 28/03/2012 – 06:14 PM ] GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas leader Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil has denied differences among political bureau members of the movement regarding national reconciliation, Cairo agreement, and/or Doha declaration. Bardawil told Quds Press on Wednesday that the Fatah faction’s statements about differences between Hamas in Gaza and Hamas outside the homeland were “wishful […]

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Israel rejects UN chief’s call to stop illegal settlements

Related: Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this… Time to wake up people! Netanyahu’s Likud’s website: “The Jordan River as a Permanent Border” and: “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.“ Source: Likud platform UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (L) shakes hands […]

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The Two Faces of the United Nations: The Power of Israel and its Lobby

by Mohamed Khodr on Dec 23, 2011 | Sabbah Report Truth and Justice have been a historical anathema to all Empires and the powerful oligarchies throughout history. From all divine revelations to the necessity of humanity’s coexistence in peace, Justice has been the highest and noblest of virtues to ensure that no man, no government, […]

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Gaza militants call for united response to Israeli airstrike

Gaza Under Attack – in pictures | Attacks on Gaza – Timeline Maan News Agency | Oct 29, 2011 GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The military wing of the PFLP in Gaza on Saturday called for resistance groups to unite in order to respond to an Israeli airstrike which killed five Islamic Jihad fighters earlier in […]

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Despite attacks, national conference unites Students for Justice in Palestine

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Alex Kane | The Electronic Intifada | New York City | 21 October 2011 Palestine solidarity has become increasingly visible on US campuses through mock checkpoints, walls, die-ins and BDS campaigns. ( Andra MIhali /Flickr ) Israel was being discussed as a settler-colonial project in one […]

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Hamas says party united against UN bid

Maan News Agency | Oct 1, 2011 GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Hamas is united in its rejection of President Mahmoud Abbas’ bid for UN membership despite reports of internal divisions, a party spokesman said Saturday. Fawzi Barhoum told Ma’an there was “no controversy” within the movement, and that all party decisions were being decided in […]

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United Nations called Israel to stop destruction of the Palestinian houses and structures

REFUSING TO DIE IN SILENCE – Video Abna.ir | Sept 28, 2011 A United Nations panel has called on Israel to stop the destruction of the Palestinian houses and structures in the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem). (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – A United Nations panel has called on Israel to stop the […]

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بعد تقديم أبومازن الطلب رسميا للأمم المتحدة | النص الكامل للخطاب

Abbas’ Speech at UNGA – full text English | Abbas’ Speech at UNGA – video Netanyahu Speech at the UN – in pictures دبي – العربيةيعقد مجلس الأمن الدولي اجتماعا بعد غد الاثنين جلسة مشاورات أولى حول طلب انضمام دولة فلسطين إلى الأمم المتحدة، على ما أعلن السفير اللبناني نواف سلام للصحافيين. وأوضح سلام الذي […]

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September Declaration: The Gap between Politics and Reality

▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid Palestinian soldiers stand behind the tomb of late leader Yasser Arafat and a symbolic Palestinian UN chair in the West Bank city of Ramallah. (Photo: AFP – Abbas Momani) By: Majd Kayyal |  September 13, 2011 |  Al Akhbar English Many Palestinians don’t seem to be taking the September […]

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UN slams Israel’s settlement go-ahead

  PressTV –  Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:46AM GMT Israel’s illegal settlement units being constructed in the West Bank. (File photo) The United Nations has condemned Tel Aviv’s approval for the construction of 1,600 illegal units in the occupied territories and called the move a “provocative action.” “If confirmed, this provocative action undermines ongoing efforts […]

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The Palestinian Statehood Strategy

By Ali Younes From the Palestinian perspective, the absence of any meaningful effort to restart the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations that will eventually lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders is the driving force behind the current efforts to submit an application to the UN to recognize Palestine as a state. In […]

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The UN Must Again Choose between Capitulation and Credibility

 by Greg Felton / July 23rd, 2011 | Dissident Voice The upcoming United Nations vote to recognize Palestinian statehood should be a foregone conclusion, especially given the overwhelming support and sympathy for Palestine among the developing world. By the end of May, 112 nations had agreed to recognize statehood, and Palestinians expect to have 135 […]

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Haneyya: Hamas united

[ 11/06/2011 – 07:11 AM ] GAZA, (PIC)– Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya has asserted that there is no internal rift within his movement, describing it as united as ever. He lashed out at media speculations that spoke about differences within Hamas leadership. Haneyya, addressing the Friday congregation, refused negotiations with Israeli occupation, adding […]

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