Tag Archives: veto

Abu Marzouk: The US renewed its veto on the Palestinian reconciliation

[ 26/06/2012 – 09:32 AM ] BEIRUT, (PIC)– Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Musa Abu Marzouk said his Movement received confirmed information that the US administration recently renewed its veto against the Palestinian reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah factions. On his facebook page, Abu Marzouk affirmed that the Palestinian authority was informed lately that […]

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Ashrawi Deplores US Sole Negative Vote at UNESCO

WAFA NEWS AGENCY MARCH 6 2012 RAMALLAH, March 6, 2012 (WAFA) – PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi Tuesday deplored the United States sole negative vote cast at five resolutions adopted by UNESCO Executive Board. “It is reprehensible that out of 58 countries, the United States alone cast negative votes and managed to isolate itself […]

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American veto history: Protecting occupation, apartheid

Monday, February 6 2012|Noam Sheizaf | 972 Magazine A few comments criticized my post on Syria for comparing the Russian-Chinese Security Council veto on the resolution condemning Assad’s repression of the anti-government protest to American vetoes on resolutions criticizing Israel. See, for example, this strange blog post, which in the usual spirit of right-wing propaganda, […]

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Shaath: US trying to avoid veto by pressuring UN Security Council members

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid | Category Statehood Maan News Agency | Oct 1, 2011 RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath said Saturday the US was trying to avoid using its veto by pressuring UN Security Council members to vote against a Palestinian bid for UN membership. At a news conference […]

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The blessed & the cursed in US policies

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid | Category Statehood PressTV  | Thu Sep 22, 201 1 3:55PM GMT | By Ismail Salami Palestinians burn signs against President Obama during a protest in the West Bank city of Ramallah on September 22, 2011. Palestinians slammed US President Barak Obama’s United Nations address a day earlier, […]

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The one-sided US veto: an astounding display of hypocrisy

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid | Category Statehood By  Neve Gordon and  Yinon Cohen  > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis 21 September 2011 Neve Gordon and Yinon Cohen argue that the US plan to veto the Palestinians’ bid for UN recognition, under the pretext that unilateralism is misguided, is an astounding display […]

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Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American People

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid | Category Statehood by Philip Giraldi, September 22, 2011| Antiwar.com If the Palestinian application for United Nations full membership actually takes place Friday and the United States uses its Security Council veto to stop the process, it will be the final step in a predictable and preventable tragedy […]

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Obama Was for a Palestinian State before He Was against It

Related: Full text of Obama’s speech at the United Nations  Ahmed Amr | September 21st, 2011 |  Dissident Voice This time we should reach for what’s best within ourselves. If we do, when we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the United Nations […]

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Sarkozy warns against vetoing Palestinian UN bid

Maan News Agency | Sept 21, 2011 UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned Wednesday that a US veto of the Palestinian bid for UN membership as a state would trigger violence. “Who could doubt that a veto at the Security Council risks engendering a cycle of violence in the Middle East?” Sarkozy […]

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Paradigm Shift: One-sided US Veto

This might be the last chance for salvaging 2 state solution. (UN Photo/file) By Neve Gordon and Yinon Cohen | Palestine Chronicle | Sep 20, 2011 US President Barack Obama’s decision to use the US’ veto prerogative if the United Nations votes to recognise a Palestinian state will constitute a blow to those seeking peace […]

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All alone on Israel island ~ by @YousefMunayyer

REFUSING TO DIE IN SILENCE – Video Yousef Munayyer | September 19, 2011 | Sabbah Report Solitude and Absurdity. Perhaps no two other words better described the scene at the United Nations earlier this year when US Ambassador Susan Rice raised her hand with a reluctant expression on her face to veto a Security Council […]

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Let Palestine be Palestine: Letter to President Obama

REFUSING TO DIE IN SILENCE – Video You may want to distribute this letter to your friends. You could also try to fax or e-mail it, along with your own comments, to President Obama, the State Department, Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice or your representatives. Some contact information is listed below. Sabbah Report | […]

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Moral Bankruptcy: Will US Veto Palestine?

REFUSING TO DIE IN SILENCE – Video The U.S. is trying to avoid the vote altogether. (UN photo) By Jim Miles | Palestine Chronicle | Sept 19, 2011 This week at the UN –  if the U.S. push to disable the process does not succeed – a vote will be taken on Palestinian statehood. The […]

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Carter: Don’t veto Palestine’s UN bid

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid PressTV – Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:49AM GMT Former US President Jimmy Carter Former US President Jimmy Carter has called on the current American administration not to veto a UN Security Council vote for Palestinian statehood expected to take place next week. “If I were president, I’d be […]

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China press warns US against Palestinian UN veto

Maan News Agency | Sept 16, 2011 BEIJING (AFP) — A Chinese state-run newspaper on Friday warned of a spike in tensions in the Middle East if the United States vetoed the Palestinian bid for membership of the United Nations next week. As peace talks with Israel stall, President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to formally […]

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