Tag Archives: Sarkozy

Mister President Sarkozy, can’t you see? ~ by @ArabDissident

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Jan 7, 2012 | ArabDissident | The 365Run Weblog To: Mister Sarkozy, president of a supposed to be democratic France I am no soldier to fight with guns and break the siege. I am no politician to influence masses and break the siege. I am […]

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White House tries to limit Netanyahu ‘liar’ damage

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. By Alister Bull –  Maan News Agency – Nov 10, 2011   WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The White House sought on Wednesday to limit damage to US-Israel relations following revelations that French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel “a liar” in a […]

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Sarkozy tells Obama: “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,”

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Maan News Agency | Nov 8, 2011 PARIS (Reuters) — French President Nicolas Sarkozy told US President Barack Obama last week he was fed up with dealing with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and considered him a liar. Sarkozy made the comment during a private […]

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Hamdan: Sarkozy’s demands out of context

Palestine’s Prisoners | Pictures | Topic | Category – Torture | History | Category [ 19/10/2011 – 07:37 PM ] BEIRUT, (PIC)– Osama Hamdan, in charge of foreign relations in Hamas movement, expressed surprise at French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s statement that the release of Gilad Shalit was not enough and that Hamas has to “shun […]

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Israel refuses Sarkozy’s suggestion to give Palestine “Observation State” at the UN

  PNN – Palestine News Network –  23.09.11 – 12:19 Ramallah- France Press reported that Israel, today, declared its refusal to the French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s suggestion to give “Observation state” status to Palestine at the UN. A spokesman from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs told France Press, “Apparently it seems to be a […]

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Sarkozy warns against vetoing Palestinian UN bid

Maan News Agency | Sept 21, 2011 UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned Wednesday that a US veto of the Palestinian bid for UN membership as a state would trigger violence. “Who could doubt that a veto at the Security Council risks engendering a cycle of violence in the Middle East?” Sarkozy […]

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Waed calls on Merkel, Sarkozy to see fair release of 7,000 Palestinians

[ 22/06/2011 – 03:15 PM ] GAZA, (PIC)– The Waed prisoner society in Gaza has called on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy to help see the release of 7,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody similar to the recent repeated calls the politicians made to Gaza to free captured Israeli soldier Gilad […]

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Sarkozy Proposes A Peace Conference To End the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Monday May 09, 2011 10:18 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Israeli paper, Maariv, reported that French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, presented during his last week meeting with Israeli prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a proposal for a peace conference in France aiming at signing a final peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians by the […]

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