Pilgrims return from Mecca via Allenby

Related: Album Ramadan 2011 Worldwide

Maan News Agency | Aug 29, 2011

JERICHO (Ma’an) — Pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia during the holy month of Ramadan flooded the terminal between the West Bank and Jordan Sunday evening, Palestinian police said.

Police stationed at Allenby Bridge, the bottleneck sole crossing for West Bank Palestinians to travel abroad, said 5,000 Palestinians entered from Jordan on Sunday evening.

As travelers stopped to break the fast around 6 p.m. there was an extraordinary build-up, Director of the Palestinian terminal at Allenby, Mustafa Dawabshe, said in a statement.

Muslims performing the Umra (lesser pilgrimage) in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, find special significance in the month of Ramadan, when fasting, charitable giving and prayer are highlighted.

Ramadan is expected to conclude with the Eid holiday on Tuesday, pending examination of the lunar schedule by the Mufti, or religious scholar.


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