Resheq denounces PA dismissal threat – Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades


Resheq denounces PA dismissal threat


Al Qassam website – Ezzet al-Resheq, a political bureau member of Hamas, has denounced the Nablus mayor for threatening to sack civil servants who do not participate in rallies supporting the PA step of asking UN recognition of Palestine.

Resheq said Tuesday on his Facebook page that the mayor’s threat was a flagrant infringement on the citizens’ freedom and a violation of all norms and traditions.

The Hamas leader refused exploiting government employees in service of political agendas, adding that those employees were taking salaries in return for their doing their jobs and not for anything else.

Sources attending a meeting for Nablus mayor Jabrin al-Bakri on Monday quoted him as threatening that security apparatuses would prosecute all those not attending the rallies on Thursday and Friday.

He said in the meeting, also attended by the interior minister in Ramallah government, that those not present at the rallies could be sacked.


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