Gaza hospitals face fuel shortage: Health Ministry

A Palestinian man awaits dialysis treatment at the kidney section of Shifa hospital in Gaza. (File photo)

A Palestinian man awaits dialysis treatment at the kidney section of Shifa hospital in Gaza. (File photo)

PressTV | Sun Aug 4, 2013 6:9AM GMT


The Israeli regime imposed land, aerial, and naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the democratically elected Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas took over the administration of the territory.

The Health Ministry of the Gaza Strip has warned against fuel shortage in the besieged Palestinian territory, which has affected the work of hospitals.

The health ministry said many hospitals in Gaza are in dire need of fuel necessary for their power generators to function.

Nearly 500 Palestinian patients have died and hundreds more are at risk of death as a result of difficulties hospitals face due to the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

In addition, the closure of the Rafah crossing – Gaza’s only gateway to the outside world – by the Egyptian army since July 3 has prevented thousands of people from crossing in and out, leaving many stranded, including patients, students, and people who hold visas and citizenships to other countries.

Egypt opens the crossing on specified days following the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi by the army.

Over the past months, Egypt has also blocked supply tunnels leading into Gaza, which are used to bring basic necessities. In February, the Egyptian army flooded several of the tunnels.

The Israeli regime imposed land, aerial, and naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the democratically elected Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas took over the administration of the territory.

The blockade has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the impoverished enclave, having turned the territory into the world’s largest open-air prison.



URGENT ▶ Israel Kills Dialysis in Gaza – 500 Patients Lives Continuously in Danger

Update – Dec 15, 2011
In an urgent appeal Gaza Health ministery urges the PA in Ramallah to assure delivery of dialysis filters type 5 and 6. And immediately the media bias hits the mainstream that the PA itself is preventing the delivery…. as usual very convenient for the zionist entity to distract the attention away from the core issue, namely, the obligation of “Israel” even as an occupier according to international law as ruler in occupied territories.

Update – Jan 11, 2012
And again Gaza ran short on supplies. In a last minute arrangement 6000 filters were supplied to Gaza. For dialysis about 46 medical supplies are needed which run out almost monthly endangering the lives of 450 people of which 15 children.  Dialysis treatment requires 49 products for dialysis treatment. The supplies now provided only will last for a rough 5 weeks
Read the related article

Urgent Appeal – Lives in risk & people deliberately made ill

We appeal to your sense of humanity to share this information and this post as wide as possible. Obstructing dialysis can not only severe the chronic diseases already present but interruption of dialysis or in worst case no dialysis at all can cause severe damage and even death.

Some examples of risks for health & life

  • The color of the skin of the patient will start to look muddy;
  • The patient won’t be able to to breathe well and will start coughing ;
  • Red blood cells will start to die;
  • Platelets as well so he will be bleeding;
  • Toxins will accumulate resulting in damage in various organs in the body;
  • The toxification and residues which are not in a normal way removed by the body will cause agony by itching and the patient willl be scratching all of his body;
  • The gut and stomach might get perforated;
  • And he will suffer to death and no treatment except dialysis

For children there are additional risks:

As the body of the child is still developing  interruption or lacking dialysis can cause even more worse complications.

  • Children’s bodies are more easy affected by toxins than elderly
  • All chronic diseases affect growth and even brain development if started before age 5yrs
  • If the patient is under 5 started early in life before full brain development lack of dialysis can even cause mental disability


Please do not forget the huge psychological effect on patients as “they feel as they are imprisoned by their own bodies”.

Health / Illness is no choice!

But being dependant on intermittent treatment, possibilities supplies are prevented to enter or not coming at all make chronic ill people suffer more than necessary in an inhumane way. This is a crime. A plain crime for which Israel should be held responsible and every human being with a sense of dignity shoud stand up against these policies to deprive, endanger lives, worsen already existing illnesses or in the worst case until death hits them.

Aside from this, the infringement of supplies is insecure every month. This is unsustainable.

Just because Israel ignores it’s obligations under International Law and prohibits Gaza to ensure these items and necessities itself by  siege people die without a dialysisfilter which cost $12,60.  Something you pay buying your XL cappucino and some donuts without thinking eating them the same amount of money sustains lives.  A Fistula twin needle cost 0.85$.  Yet if no present, dialysis comes impossible too.


Geneva Convention

Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly establish that Israel, as the occupying power, not only has a duty to ensure medical supplies reach hospitals in the OPT, but to ensure and maintain the services of the hospitals too. As High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions, other states not only have a moral duty but also a legal obligation to ensure Israel abides by its commitments to the protected population of the OPT.

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

As a States Party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Israel is obliged under Article 24 of the treaty to recognise the right of every child under its effective jurisdiction “to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services”.

The Israel Project

On the website of the Israel Project, the occupying authority is boasting about the 5 year old child Niyha from Bethlehem, getting her do in Jerusalem hospital and even made her picture, picture of the day. Because Israel wants the world to believe they are the saviours of mankind, by even exploiting a child in need of dialysis and making a PR campaign for their own image, while depriving 450 others in Gaza of every supply like filters or fluids not for some years as well, putting them now in such a crisis that their lives is in danger. So much for the picture of the day, it does not make a real great statement of altruism Israel!

Dialysis in Paralysis

Electronic intifada previously brought an article about the effects of the siege for patient in need of dialysis. Dialysis in Paralysis. Not only the lack of dialysis fluid, filters, but also cuts of electricity make treatment of patients impossible. The daily powercuts presviously forced the Gaza Health officials to cut back on the number of dialysis-treatments and the problem remains persistent now Gaza already over 3 weeks lacks electricty because Israel refuses repairs to the main power line supplying Gaza with enough power to guarantee a minimum acceptable level.

Silent Genocide

Beware of the tendency of the occupier, which loves to display the  targeted and confirmed “damage”. The bodycount. Genocide or manslaught can happen in various ways and these imply not only violence by shooting, bombing or abuse but deprivation as well. The passive aggression. This passive  aggression causes excess death also known as avoidable mortality.  Causing an est. of 5000 deaths a year in the occupied territories due to deliberate deprivation of basic needs, of which dialysis or other kinds of treatments and healthcare are included.

Ethnic Cleansing

You can forget all details. It is all about ethnic cleansing in which “Israel” reinvented and improved all possible kinds of deprivation, which cause 1 in 6 (so 1 million) Jewish people to die during WWII due to the similar deprivation tactics of the Nazis and applies them nowadays in 2011 to the Palestinians. The avoidable mortality due to the deliberate neglect or deprivation of basic needs since 1967 is estimated on 0,5 million deaths in Palestine, of which 0,3 million below the age of 5.  Not only by lacking filters or fluid for dialysis but also by depriving or deliberately polluting water, cutting electricty, obstructing healthcare but also by facist policies of near starvation.

Hostage of Politics

Many many delegations and officials have been touring around in this dialysis ward in Khan Younis hospital and no one can deny no longer there is a severe crisis going on (for years now) in which the biased media keeps pointing fingers at Hamas or the PA, whatever is convenient. While the real root of the evil is being silenced namely, the lack of pressure of politics to sanction or to enforce the law on the neglect of obeying Israel to it’s obligations as an occupier making the patients who are already in enough suffering literally a hostage of their own bodies toxication but also of the ongoing harassment of politics and facist regulations of Israeli policies.

In the meanwhile the same politicians and their governments only keep sustaining this situation for over 64 years now making them as complicit as the transgressing occupier itself. Human rights are inalienable and also should be effectuated for Palestinians who suffer of an illness.

Worse than it this story already sounds is the fact that the overall deliberate character of policies is widely silenced and/or ignored. Israel has been very succesful as well in muting the truth by all means. Even if this means pulling the switch of the power so dialysis machines stop working, but this is only 1 tiny aspect of the real scam which Netanyahu even wants to hide:  the whole occupation! Wishful thinking of a narcissistic oppressor but no go. Hasbara is dying faster than these dialysis patients will do.

The hypocrisy surfaces in mainstream media, when the deliberate deprivation of medical care causes damage to a pregnant US citizen which gets X-rayed three times at a checkpoint or only when like last week Israel’s own moral army lies itself into (for normal human beings) unacceptable terms of human and moral understanding in obstructing medical aid to an unarmed protester, Mustafa Tamimi who got shot in the head with a tear gas cannister of which he  died.

Silence is complicity

Again the world’s humanitarian “forces” like UN showed their real face when at the scene a woman begged a passing by UN delegation sitting in a car: “Can you stop it?  Can you help?  They shot a man in the head”  but the United Nations, in this case special Rapporteur to UN La Rue (excelling in Free speech but not when in Israel apparently) drove away and not even bothered to see if any aid/help or intervention could save a life over there. (Video at 7 minutes you can watch the scene)

Human rights should prevail in all cases, for all people, all races because the is only one race, the human race, so also for Palestinians without empty closet exclusion only enforced by the lack of acting of world’s powers against a disengaged occupier.

Action Alert

We call on all to spread this appeal, to call your representatives, to share this post to all your friends, networks to raise awareness. Let’s end the silence end these deprivations which already have cost too many people’s lives to begin with. We can not get them back, but surely we have to pu all energy and all efforts possible to prevent more avoidable deaths and Palestinians will be assured to receive the care they are entitled to.

An old Palestinian man at a dialysis machine flashing a peace sign. Even under occupation, let’s take care he at least will have the peace of mind to get his dialysis!

Sharing is Caring!

Update Dec 16, 2011

According to this article (in arabic) the dialysisfilters have been supplied. Nevertheless the solution which was found by the Palestinian Authority, it remains an obligation of  Israel to supply, maintain and sustain access or medical facilities in a territory it as an occupying power rules. Kindly request to keep raising awareness for this issue since still hundreds of vital medications are at 0 stock and threatening lives.

Updated Jan 11, 2012

Again Gaza ran short on Dialysis Supplies. And again Palestine with International aid shipped dialysis supplies (6000 filters & related supplies required) to Gaza, which by the way will only be sufficient for 5 weeks of treatment of dialysis patients in Gaza

Update April 26, 2013

More Resources or related information:

Medical care by asked/forced collaboration

Healthcare or neglect of healthcare in Prisons



While in the horrible holocaust, 1 in 6, so 1 million people died of the Nazi but exactly similar deliberate deprivation, Israel is doing exactly the same to Palestinians. Research (see link below) showed the annual deathrate by violent & passive aggression is about 5000 deaths a year. Called Avoidable mortality or Excess Death.

█▌ For the sake of children and ill people in Palestine, share this post as wide as you can and keep sharing it. Health is no choice for many, right to medical care is a Human Right. Infringement of such is a passive form of aggression which policies Israel deliberately deploys with the intention to ethnic cleanse.

  • More about Avoidable Mortality – Research
  • For all related news about health / related issues in Palestine | Category Health


Due to unbelievable & increasing shocking news like this, this post will be updated continuously the coming days with related news and more resources. Please keep checking for updates.

How many more dead corpses of Palestinians and their children does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all.

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