Tag Archives: abdallah

Freed from jail, West Bank protester vows fight against fence will continue

16 March 2011 By David Sheen, Haaretz – 15 March 2011 http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/freed-from-jail-west-bank-protester-vows-fight-against-fence-will-continue-1.349430 Abdallah Abu Rahmah was given a hero’s welcome in the West Bank village of Bil’in after being released from Ofer Prison on Monday. He was greeted by over a hundred and fifty townsfolk who escorted him home waving flags and letting off fireworks […]

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Jailed Bil’in Protest Organizer, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, to be Released on Sunday

    Posted by palestinesolidarity[at]gmail.com (ISM Palestine) at PS.HADNEWS.COM on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 8:14 pm. Abu Rahmah is expected to be released after having served the 16 months sentence imposed on him by the Israeli Military Court of Appeals for organizing demonstrations. Abu Rahmah will be received by his family, friends and supporters, […]

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Free Abdallah Abu Rahmah | Update Demo Jan 7, 2011

                    Bil’in village has continued the struggle of resistance against the occupation” Friday 07/01/2011-At today’s demonstration, three persons were wounded, in addition to dozens of more cases of people choking on tear gas.The Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil’in organized today’s demonstration. The march began […]

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Britain & France lead European condemnation of Abdallah Abu Rahma’s sentencing

      Friday, January 14 2011|Joseph Dana | +972 Magazine After Amnesty International labeled Abdallah Abu Rahma a ‘prisoner of conscience’ on Wednesday, England and France have issued official statements of concern regarding  the hashing of Abdallah Abu Rahma’s sentence. EU diplomats fear that Abu Rahma’s sentence is a clear attempt by Israel to […]

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Bil’in demonstrations coordinator sentenced to 16 months in prison

[ 12/01/2011 – 10:33 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator of the Bil’in anti-separation wall committee, was sentenced on Tuesday to 16 months in prison other than a three-year suspended sentence and was forced to pay NIS 5,000 in fines. The Israeli Ofer Court charged Abu Rahma with incitement and participation in […]

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Judge accepts military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence

    Posted on: January 11, 2011 | ShareThis 11 January 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee The court has accepted the military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence to a total of 16 months. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but was kept in detention by the […]

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Breaking: Abdallah Abu Rahmah to stay in jail as judge upholds state appeal

Tuesday, January 11 2011|Joseph Dana The Ofer military court has accepted the military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence to a total of 16 months. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but was kept in detention by the military prosecution’s request, despite having finished serving his term. He […]

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Ofter Military Court sentences Abdallah Abu Rahmah to 16 months in prison | Arabic & English

11/1/2011 Ofer – Ramallah: On Tuesday, the Israeli military court at Ofer sentenced Abdallah Abu Rahmah, the coordinator of the Popular Committee for Resisting the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in, to effectively 16 months in prison, in addition to a six month suspended sentence for a period of three years and a 5,000 NIS fine. […]

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Military Court to Give Appeal Verdict in Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s Case on Tuesday | Joseph Dana

      The court will deliver a decision on the military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but has been kept in detention on the military prosecution’s request. What: Appeal Verdict in Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s case. Where: Military Court of Appeals, […]

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FREE Abdallah Abu Rahmah | Window Into Palestine

Bil’in Popular Committee Chairman Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced to one year in jail this afternoon for non-violent resistance to Israeli occupation. The time for international support of Abdallah Abu Rahmah and the popular unarmed struggle is now!  Please visit the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee for more information on how you can help Abdallah’s case and share the below […]

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