Tag Archives: facist

Israeli occupation soldiers arrest five Hamas leaders including MP Mohammed Jamal Al-Natshe

[ PIC 27/03/2013 – 11:35 AM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) nabbed five Hamas leaders in pre-dawn raids on Wednesday in Al-Khalil city including MP Mohammed Jamal Al-Natshe. Local sources said that IOF soldiers stormed the home of the 55-year-old MP south of Al-Khalil city and searched it and confiscated mobile phones and […]

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#France #Islam | Arrest of a Sister wearing Niqab | Arrestation d’une soeur avec burqua ‬‏ – Video

English translation below the French text La police arrête une soeur avec le jilbebe Il sont rien a faireQUELLE ABOMINATION !!! Témoignage d’une femme musulmane âgée de 32 ans. Ce dimanche 31 juillet 2011 vers 18h, mon amie et moi marchions paisiblement en direction de la gare d’ Aulnay sous Bois. Arrivées près du parking […]

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IOA blocks travel of lawmaker

[ 25/01/2011 – 04:50 PM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) blocked the travel of Hamas MP Dr. Nasser Abdeljawad via Karame crossing from the West Bank to Jordan after detaining him for a few hours. Dr. Abdeljawad told the PIC that he was held for two hours at the crossing then […]

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Racism In Jewish Schools; “A Dead Arab Is A Good Arab”

Wednesday January 19, 2011 11:21 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies A number of teachers working in Jewish Schools in Israel stated that more instances of racism are reaching alarming levels as more students are expressing their views that exceeded their hatred to Arabs to the level of advocating for killing them. Death To […]

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New Israeli laws targeting human rights groups

    Palestine Monitor, 18 January 2011 It all started last year, in late January/early Febuary 2010, when the ultra-nationalist group Im Tirzu launched an attack on the New Israel Fund (NIF) – a philanthropic fund set up to support Israeli non-profit, civil society organizations – claiming that 90% of the information used in the […]

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France bans bestselling book on Palestine

PressTV –  Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:34AM |Anustup Roy, Press TV, Paris In his book, 93 year old Stephane Hessel calls for a just world and an end to the occupation of Palestine. For Video Click here Pro-Israel lobbies in France have claimed victory for orchestrating the ban, but thousands turned up in a show […]

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Gilad Atzmon: Captain Israel- A Sickening Hasbara Magazine For Jewish Diaspora Youngsters

  Tuesday, January 18, 2011     Look at this new Jewish -cartoon magazine. PDF version     It has become pretty obvious that that Israelis and Zionists do not try to disguise their morbidity anymore.  Zionism is clearly a threat to humanity and humanism.   Airplanes and tanks, decorated with Jewish symbols, are consigned […]

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This blunt call for a genocide against Palestinians is not new in publications of the Israeli extreme right, but this is the first time it appears in a “family” magazine with prominent advertisers. Israeli Banks Finance Newspaper calling for Genocide By Yossi Bartal Major Israeli banks, credit institutions, and communication companies are among the advertisers […]

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Anti Fascism – Mass demonstration in Tel Aviv Saturday Jan, 15, 2011

Thousands join Peace Now ‘Rally for Democracy’ in Tel Aviv challenging NGO probes from IMEMC News | by Saed Bannoura | Saturday January 15, 2011 19:50 On Saturday, thousands of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv under the banner “Demonstration (since it’s still possible) for democracy” – a reference to a proposed measure currently under consideration […]

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Judge accepts military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence

    Posted on: January 11, 2011 | ShareThis 11 January 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee The court has accepted the military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence to a total of 16 months. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but was kept in detention by the […]

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Breaking: Abdallah Abu Rahmah to stay in jail as judge upholds state appeal

Tuesday, January 11 2011|Joseph Dana The Ofer military court has accepted the military prosecution’s appeal to harshen Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s sentence to a total of 16 months. Abu Rahmah was supposed to be released on November 18th 2010, but was kept in detention by the military prosecution’s request, despite having finished serving his term. He […]

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