Tag Archives: sickening

Unknown chemicals sprayed in Palestinian cars at checkpoints

By Abir Kopty | 972 Magazine | Febr 5, 2012 Lately I’ve been going to Jenin every two or three weeks with family members. We usually do our vegetable shopping in the city market. Last Saturday, on our way back from Jenin to Nazareth, we were surprised to find a new technology to check “suspicious” […]

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Israelis Debate on the Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved?

July 24, 2011, 7:58pm | Jewish Daily Forward | J.J. Goldberg The Norway massacre has touched off a nasty war of words on the Israeli Internet over the meaning of the event and its implications for Israel. And I do mean nasty: Judging by the comments sections on the main Hebrew websites, the main questions […]

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Meet World’s Most Moral Army | IOF Fashion Week 2009

IDF Fashion Week 2009 | Lawrence of Cyberia A post of Lawrence of Cyberia, consolidating the various entries in the series, “Not Just A Slogan On A T-shirt” “The Smaller They Are, The Harder It Is!” [Quote] “The Smaller They Are, The Harder It Is!” [1] “The Smaller They Are, The Harder It Is!” [2] […]

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Israeli Bank Which Profited From Holocaust Forced To Settle With Survivors

Thursday March 31, 2011 02:11 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News One of Israel’s largest banks, Bank Leumi, has agreed to an out-of-court settlement after being sued by the descendents of victims of the Holocaust. The Bank kept money deposited by over 3500 European Jews who were later killed in the Holocaust, and profited from […]

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Mandela: IOA holds Palestinian woman in cell with homicide convicts

[ 03/03/2011 – 11:05 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The Mandela institution catering for prisoners and human rights said that the IOA imprisoned Palestinian woman Samha Hijaz in one cell with Jewish homicide convicts before being transferred to Talmund jail. Lawyer Buthaina Dakmak of the institution said that Samha was arrested on 8/2/2011 after female […]

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Six Children Arrested in Silwan Clashes

Tuesday March 01, 2011 17:19 by Alessandra Bajec – IMEMC & Agencies Israeli ‘undercover’ forces arrested six Palestinian children, on Monday, during violent confrontations in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan, local sources informed. (photo from http://realisticbird.wordpress.com) Six children were rounded up in al-Ein al-Fawqa, in Silwan, after Israeli forces entered the neighbourhood wearing civilian […]

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Video: Israeli forces seize 11-year-old boy

Published today (updated) 27/02/2011 12:20 RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A resident of the West Bank village of Nabi Salih videoed Israeli forces chasing and detaining an 11-year-old child. The footage, from late January, shows two Israeli border police officers chasing Karim Tamimi, who turns to a woman in the street for help. The woman repeatedly pleads […]

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Shin Bet investigators sexually assault minor

[ 23/02/2011 – 10:00 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– According to a testimony lawyers took during a visit, a Palestinian minor detained in the Israeli Etzion prisons said Shin Bet investigators attempted to sexually assault him. After the incident the investigators bargained to release the victim for a confession, the lawyers said, adding that they […]

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Gilad Atzmon: Captain Israel- A Sickening Hasbara Magazine For Jewish Diaspora Youngsters

  Tuesday, January 18, 2011     Look at this new Jewish -cartoon magazine. PDF version     It has become pretty obvious that that Israelis and Zionists do not try to disguise their morbidity anymore.  Zionism is clearly a threat to humanity and humanism.   Airplanes and tanks, decorated with Jewish symbols, are consigned […]

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