Tag Archives: activistst

#Airflotilla | July 9, 2011 | PA envoy to Brussels slams European complicity in blocking ‘Flytilla’

Published today 10:55 BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Palestinian Authority’s envoy to the European Union Lela Shahid slammed European airlines on Friday for preventing European citizens from traveling to Tel Aviv to join solidarity protests with the Palestinian people. “Is Europe blockaded just like Palestine? On what basis are European solidarity activists blacklisted at airports in […]

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#Airflotilla | Adam Keller, Gush Shalom, letter to the Minister of Internal Security, Yitzhak Aharonowitz

PNN – Palestine News Network –  07.07.11 – 14:32  Dear Sir, According to reports in the media, the Prime Minister has entrusted you with handling what is known as the “Fly-In,” i.e. hundreds of peace activists from abroad who are scheduled to land at Ben-Gurion Airport this Friday. Adam Keller You have been quoted as […]

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