Tag Archives: gush shalom

PRESS RELEASE GUSH SHALOM – Mr. Minister, Greet Them with Flowers! | #Airflotilla2

Scoop – Friday, 13 April 2012, 9:12 am Press Release: Gush Shalom April 12, 2012 Gush Shalom Calls For Termination Of Police Mobilization At Tel Aviv Airport And Welcoming Of “Fly-In” Activists Mr. Minister, greet them with flowers! Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, calls upon the Minister of Public Security to cancel plans for […]

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#j14 | Another Tsunami!

Palestine News Network | 30.07.11 – 05:00 By Adam Keller/Gush Shalom – It was not Binyamin Netanyahu who started the occupation. Keeping millions of Palestinians under military rule, constantly expanding settlements throughout the Occupied Territories, diverting the country’s best resources for it – many previous governments have done the same, including governments headed by the […]

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Gush Shalom Rails Against Boycott Law

PNN – Palestine News Network -14.07.11 – 11:42 Tel Aviv – PNN – As the Israeli parliament proceeds to pass the controversial ‘Boycott Law,’ Israeli peace bloc Gush Shalom has issued an appeal to the Supreme Court against the bill. In a press statement issued this week, Gush Shalom declares that the new law violates […]

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#Airflotilla | Adam Keller, Gush Shalom, letter to the Minister of Internal Security, Yitzhak Aharonowitz

PNN – Palestine News Network –  07.07.11 – 14:32  Dear Sir, According to reports in the media, the Prime Minister has entrusted you with handling what is known as the “Fly-In,” i.e. hundreds of peace activists from abroad who are scheduled to land at Ben-Gurion Airport this Friday. Adam Keller You have been quoted as […]

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Statement | Israeli Organisations Support for the Gaza-Bound Freedom Flotilla

  Sunday, 03 July 2011 14:06 Various Organisations| AIC We, Israeli organizations, Palestinians and Jews, declare our support for the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla and its declared goals: to break the Israeli siege on Gaza – both on the sea and land – which represents part of the ongoing Israeli occupation. We denounce the slanderous campaign […]

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Israeli Peace Blog Gush Shalom Applauds Opening of Rafah Border

30.05.11 – 12:44 | PNN – Palestine News Network Gaza-PNN- Victoria Delacroix- In a press release by an Israeli peace blog called Gush Shalom, said the opening of the border crossing between Egypt and Gaza is a death blow to the siege in Gaza and a step in a new and hopeful direction for not just the […]

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Gush Shalom Respond to Netanyahu’s Speech; the Root of the Conflict is the War of 1948

PNN | 17.05.11 – 12:19 Jerusalem – PNN – The Israeli human right group, Gush Shalom, issued a press release on Tuesday titled   “The root of the conflict is the war of 1948, the resolution of the conflict – the territories occupied in 1967” criticizing Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech at the Knesset on […]

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The Gold and the Stone; There is Something Tragicomic About the Persona of Richard Goldstone

12.04.11 – 12:44| Palestine News Network Uri Avnery – Gush Shalom – First there was a veritable storm of fury when the original Goldstone report was issued. What a fiend! A Jew who claims to be a Zionist and an Israel-lover, who publishes the most abominable slanders about against our valiant soldiers, aiding and abetting […]

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