Tag Archives: al-bustan

#Ethnic cleansing goes on: New demolition orders in Bustan suburb

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’ Law resources below this article [ PIC 25/12/2012 – 07:58 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) served new demolition orders to Palestinian owners of houses in Bustan suburb in Silwan town to the east […]

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Holy Land: mass demolition planned to make way for pilgrim theme park on Independent Catholic News

Related: Israel’s crimes against Christianity | Christianty – in pictures ICN – Independant Catholic News February 10, 2012 Jerusalem Palestinians in the East Jerusalem town of Silwan are living in fear of imminent eviction. Last week Israeli authorities posted demolition orders on several houses in Silwan’s al-Bustan neighbourhood, which they plan to develop into a […]

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The Alternative Plan for Al-Bustan (“King’s Garden Site”) to Nir Barkat – Letter to J’slem Mayor on Bustan Alternative Plan

Ethnic Cleansing – Topic | Settlement Construction – Category From  ARCHITECTS  & PLANNERS  FOR JUSTICE IN PALESTINE http://www.apjp.org 23 September 2011 To: Nir Barkat Mayor of Jerusalem  Safra Square 1, Jerusalem, Israel Dear Mayor Barkat RE: The Alternative Plan for Al-Bustan (“King’s Garden Site”) We wrote to you last year (April 2010) to call a […]

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Al-Bustan demolition court session about demolishing most of Al-Bustan delayed

Silwan Targeted – video  | Silwan: No Legend Yet – more resources   Wednesday, 28 September, 2011 | 02:59 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — The Central Court session scheduled for today regarding the Jerusalem Municipality’s plans to demolish most of Al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan has been delayed. The lawyer […]

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Two Children, Ages 8 and 10, Kidnapped By Israeli Soldiers In Jerusalem

REFUSING TO DIE IN SILENCE – Video Monday September 26, 2011 05:42 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Sunday evening, two children, ages 8 and 10, from Al Bustan neighborhood, in occupied East Jerusalem. Clashes took place following the abduction. File – Soldiers Kidnapping A Child In Silwan Local sources […]

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#Silwan committee unveils Israeli scheme to take over Al-Bustan zone

Related : Silwan in Pictures [ 25/08/2011 – 12:16 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Spokesman for Silwan defense committee Abdulkarim Abu Sunaina revealed an Israeli Judaization scheme to encroach into Silwan district and wipe out Al-Bustan neighborhood using different excuses such as the establishment of sewerage systems. Abu Sunaina, in a press release on Tuesday, […]

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Israeli forces storm Al-Bustan protest tent – in pictures

Friday, 3 June, 2011 | 21:51 | « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC)  Undercover Israeli forces infiltrated the Al-Bustan protest tent after Friday prayers today, attempting to arrest children present. The officers were prevented from doing so when confronted by the congregation. Local youth Mohammed Aqil was injured by a […]

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Municipality rejects appeal to postpone Al-Bustan demolition program

Wednesday, 25 May, 2011 | 16:29 « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Appeals to postpone the enactment of house demolition orders in Al-Bustan district of Silwan have been refused by the Jerusalem Municipality, says Palestinian lawyer Ziad Kawar. The refusal came in spite of a District Court “recommendation” to […]

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Proposal to implement Al-Bustan demolition plan amidst upheaval in Arab world

Sunday, 27 March, 2011 | 14:15 Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) Several high-ranking officials in the Jerusalem Municipality have submitted a proposal to city mayor Nir Barakat to begin the prospective demolition program in Al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan. Residents of Silwan have denounced the proposal as a calculated move to execute the highly controversial plan during a […]

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Soldier fires on Al-Bustan protest tent unprovoked

Sunday, 20 March, 2011 | 11:06 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Witnesses stated that an Israeli soldier disembarked from a military jeep in al-Bustan district of Silwan last night near the neighborhood protest tent, firing tear gas towards it. The attack come entirely unprovoked say eyewitnesses, who report that there had […]

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Silwan Palestinian Activist Updates – International Middle East Media Center

Wednesday January 12, 2011 15:40 by Ramona M. – IMEMC and Agencies Adnan Ghaith, from Silwan, East Jerusalem, moved to Ramallah today after he received a deportation order from Israeli authorities. The order stipulates that he be barred from entering Jerusalem for four months starting today. The Israeli order is clearly politically motivated, as Ghaith […]

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Persecution of Adnan Ghaith continues, despite release

Sunday, 9 January, 2011 | 20:13 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Al-Bustan Popular Committee member Adnan Ghaith received a summons from Israeli police for investigation today. Renewed police attempts to investigate Ghaith for his political activity in Silwan come hot on the heels of his release on bail […]

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Breaking news: Israel mobilizing forces in Silwan for possible eviction of non-violent leader | Joseph Dana

Dec 26, 2010 Adnan Gheith, a member of the Al-Bustan Neighborhood Committee and a dignitary of Silwan, was officially notified today that an order expelling him from Jerusalem will come into effect at 5 PM today. The order is not part of a judicial process, does not include charges and is based on secret material. […]

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